Proverbs 3:26 (KJV)

For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.


Bible Commentary

There is something to be said for confidence, for self-satisfaction. I’m not talking about selfishness or conceit, no. I’m talking about the confidence and satisfaction that comes from knowing who we are in Jesus Christ. This is what Proverbs 3:26 is all about.

You see, we cannot truly be satisfied with ourselves or confident for very long until something happens that brings us back to reality that we are imperfect and very human. We misspeak or someone points out a flaw which brings memories of something painful in our past that points to our weaknesses and Bam! Our insecurities are back in an instant.

It doesn’t matter how important our title or role is in life. There is something from our past that can still creep up on us to bring us crashing down from our high place in the world. Then what?

Jesus Christ.

When we invited Jesus into our lives to save us from our sins, He sent His Holy Spirit to live in us forever. He is our confidence. He is the satisfaction of our souls. We cannot draw peace and confidence about who we are from our accomplishments, our popularity or our human-ness.

True and lasting satisfaction and contentment can only come from the Holy Spirit within us Who joined with us when we invited Him in. What an amazing combination of unique beauty and power!!

We are one with Him, the God of the universe!! When we allow the Spirit of God to move within us and discover who He is, then we can learn who we really are. And when we discover who we are in Christ, we can be truly satisfied and happy with ourselves.

Study Proverbs 3:26 and ask Christ to teach you who you are in Him. It is truly an amazing adventure unlike any other this life can offer. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6).



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