Proverbs 31:10 (NKJV)

Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.


Bible Commentary

Proverbs 31:10 is a verse from the famous passage in the Bible describing a virtuous woman, written by the mother of a king. It is most likely that the king’s mother was making her son aware of the importance of finding a woman who would make a good and loyal wife to him. If you are the parent of a grown child, no doubt you have concerned yourself with who your son or daughter will marry, knowing full well that this one decision will have a huge impact on the rest of their lives.

Out of all the words she could have used to describe the most important quality in the woman her son should look for, she chose the word “virtuous”. Surprisingly, one of the first definitions of “virtuous” is: strength.

Even though the woman is considered the “weaker vessel” in the marriage, and therefore we might consider the man being primarily responsible for strength, a woman has great need of strength in this life—not only for her role as a wife, but even as a young girl growing into womanhood. There are a great many temptations and hidden traps along our path in life, and it takes a practicing and growing strength to maneuver our way successfully through the mine field, so-to-speak. It takes strength to overcome those times in our lives when we fail. When we get back up again and forge ahead, our character is strengthened. We gain wisdom and confidence as we live and learn through life’s lessons, even at a very young age. Strength is key.

Morally Excellent

Another key (and probably the most common) definition of “virtuous” is: morally excellent. To go a little deeper, let’s look at the definition of “moral”: relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior. As parents, we all want our children to be influenced by morally right behavior. God equips us all with a conscience and as we listen to it, we can build upon moral excellence, the definition of “virtuous.”

The king’s mother was very clear in stating the value of such a woman. She said her worth is far above rubies. Where we tend to judge the value of a person by the outward qualities of beauty, prominence or wealth, she knew that the true value of a person is the treasure inside of them. Her virtue. Her inward strength. Her morality. These are the qualities that help us lead successful lives—for ourselves and for those around us, and as we influence the next generation with these qualities, we build upon a wealth that is never-ending, which far outlasts the riches of the world.

Study the Bible verse of Proverbs 31:10, recognize the value of the virtue within you, and build upon the wealth of your legacy.

Women’s Studies


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