Proverbs 31:11 (NKJV)

The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain.


Bible Commentary

Proverbs 31:11 is a Bible verse that describes an important trait of a virtuous woman. As a young girl growing up in the 70’s and 80’s, I was fortunate to have a mother and father who encouraged me to pursue whatever profession or interest I wanted. When I married at the young age of 18, I was somewhat limited in my professional aspirations since I had no college degree, but I was still ambitious and hungry to move up the “success ladder.”

Though we would do things much differently today, my husband and I bought a house only one year into our marriage, and we happily began fixing it up just the way we wanted. We both worked full-time for the same company, which definitely had its advantages (many I didn’t recognize at the time). However, being young and immature both as a young teenage woman and in my spiritual walk, I became discontent with my job and began to look for other work opportunities.

I soon landed a job for a different company that paid more and pushed me up what I considered the “success ladder”. However, it also separated my husband and me professionally. I thought the pay-off would be worth it. Now I was on my own in the corporate world. Through much trial and error, I learned a lot professionally, earned the respect of my co-workers as a hard-working team player and also moved up the pay scale. For a while, I thought I had it made.

Discontentment is a Trap

But soon, adversity with the department boss began causing turmoil. What I thought was a promotion actually became a nightmare. I dreaded going to work and my attitude turned sour. Co-workers began leaving the chaos, and I too began looking for a way out. I soon left that corporate job for another one. But instead of finding what I was looking for–a peaceful place to do my job and make decent money–I only found a different kind of drama. However, when a break came for me to move into a department doing work I loved with a terrific boss, I was finally happy with my job. But my contentment didn’t last long because my terrific boss got fired and everything went south.

I had spent 7-8 years floundering around the corporate world seeking a respectable and well-paying job where I could be happy and fulfilled, but the working world only became a place of turmoil and emptiness to me. I was drained—physically, emotionally and mentally. I began to long for the safety and security of just being home, and I prayed for just that. Then I got pregnant with our first child. My love and passion returned to me, but this time it was toward our new-born daughter. More than anything I wanted to be a full-time mom and wife, but we had become dependent on my income and I was financially unable to leave my job. Ironically, the thing I thought would provide the freedom and fulfillment I was looking for actually became a trap and a snare for me.

Taking Cover

What I have learned from the Lord since that time (over 20+ years) is that my place of safety and fulfillment is with my husband. I came out from under the Lord’s covering when I left the company where we worked together. I did not know at the time that in my husband are a great many gifts and protections the Lord has given me. Isaiah 54:5 says, “For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name…” It has taken much time seeking the truth to uncover and understand the treasures that I was blind to before.

I believe Proverbs 31:11, and I have a better understanding of it now.

The heart of her husband safely trusts her;
So he will have no lack of gain.

What I didn’t recognize at the time was that my selfish ambitions cost not only me, but my whole family. As I climbed the professional “success ladder” apart from my husband, we became dry and lacking in our marriage and in our household. It was only by God’s grace and earnestly seeking Him that my husband and I stayed together. Since that time, I have learned how to become a wife who is trustworthy to my husband. I am content to be his helper, and in doing so we have no lack of gain. For if my husband lacks nothing, therefore I lack nothing for we are one in marriage.

Desires are Fulfilled in God

In the past 25 years of walking closely with the Lord, He has tenderly led me countless times to surrender my selfish desires and ambitions, and in their place He gives me a happy contentment and a healing peace that I cannot describe. He gives me more of Him, which is the greatest treasure of all.

Genesis 15:1

After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.”

The Lord does not want to deny us our desires as women, He wants to fulfill them. As we follow Christ, we must trust Him one day at a time that He is leading us to the abundant life He promised. And as we become trustworthy daughters of the King, He reveals His glory to us and through us. Only He can fill the void in our hearts, and it is up to us let go of all our worldly pursuits so we can experience Who He is and live the fulfilling life He offers us.

Study the Bible verse of Proverbs 31:11 and set out on a journey of faith with God as Your husband.


Women’s Studies

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