Our Supernatural Self in Christ

Testimony by Yveatte Moore


Shed Your Grave Clothes

God once spoke to me through a devotional book. It said, “Take off those grave clothes, and live.” I didn’t get the full meaning at the time, but in recent months that statement has come back to me, and I have a little better understanding of it now.

We have all experienced pain of some kind. Maybe it’s a struggle with an illness, a relationship difficulty, financial hardship, or the loss of a loved one or a beloved pet. Even though God may have brought us through that pain and helped us overcome the difficulty, we seem to keep getting pulled back to the memory of the pain. We can’t seem to stay free from the entanglement.

We know we have the victory in Christ and we are grateful, but the noise of pain and chaos seems so much louder than the sweet melody of victory, so we continually get bogged down—particularly in our thoughts, which in turn influences our feelings and attitude.

Personal Testimony

In recent years, I struggled with an illness, and it has been a long and very gradual journey back to health. Somehow, my physical pain was connected to an internal mechanism in me that affected my hearing. Along my spiritual journey as my faith grew, God blessed me with the ability to sense or hear Him speaking to me as He does with many believers. However, when I began to struggle with an illness that caused a chemical imbalance in my body, I began hearing many kinds of voices in the spiritual realm that I knew were not of God.

When I had an attack in my body, the pain affected me physically, but there was also a simultaneous attack mentally and emotionally as I clearly heard evil voices of sickness, death, confusion and spiritual darkness of many kinds. It was like being swept up in a hurricane. I felt surrounded and overwhelmed. This was a torment that far surpassed what I was feeling in my physical body.

My acute awareness of spiritual darkness was terrifying, and yet every time I called on the Name of the Lord, He answered me from His holy hill and rescued me. There were times when I thought I would drown in those deep waters, but God and the power of His Word gave me the breath I needed to survive.

I truly believe His Word kept me alive as He led me on a path through the battles. Just as the blood of Christ is a covering of protection over us, in His kingdom order He also used my husband and my son as a shield of protection around me–wife and mother. The fiery arrows are real, and we need cover. Even under cover, the blows of battle are powerful enough to cause pain.

Through the Waters

There were times I wanted to give up. To me, dying would be better than living in the emotional and mental turmoil and trauma. I was tired of living with the continual struggle and fear of it, not knowing when another attack would come. I had no choice but to trust God as I made my way through those stormy waters—one step at a time and one day at a time.

Though I couldn’t pull myself out of the darkness, I knew His promises were health and life, and I remembered what Christ won for me on the cross. There were so many times I called upon His Name to save me, and He always has. He is faithful.

As I continue to move forward in a very slow and gradual healing, I have learned primarily two things:

1) to practice contentment and acceptance of what has been and what is.

2) to continually surrender to God’s sovereignty and authority over my life. He alone is God—not me, not doctors, not medicine, not food, not exercise.

He alone brings me healing and wholeness in my body, my mind, my heart, my emotions and my spirit. The only perfect balance is in Jesus Christ, and He is the way to wholeness, inside and out. You can be whole, too.

Let’s learn together how to be free–and stay free–from the pain of our past, which keeps trying to drag us back down.

Our Supernatural Self

What about you? Can you identify what and where the darkness is in you? It’s time to get it out of your system. We can get permanently free from the sludge of our painful past by exposing our darkness to the Light. So,

express your pain.

  • Talk about it.
  • Write it.
  • Paint it.
  • Draw it.
  • Sing about it.
  • Bring it all to the table.
Move it out into the light, so it can no longer hold you prisoner. Let’s be free in the truth, for Jesus came to set us free.

Colossians 1:11-13

strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.13 For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son

We have the opportunity to live victoriously in the kingdom of His beloved Son. So be free. Shed those grave clothes and step into your supernatural self in Jesus Christ. Amen.


Invitation to Mirror Christ

We at Daily-Bible-Verse.net want to invite you to share your testimony, so others can be encouraged about how God is teaching you to be your supernatural self in Jesus Christ. By your submission, you grant your permission for us to publish it on our Facebook Page and/or website. It may be in written form, a painting, drawing or some other creative expression of how Jesus Christ is rising up through you. Message it to us at our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/MercyQuotes/

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