Psalm 46:7

The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 46:7 is a Bible verse from one of many songs of praise written by King David. The world can be a scary place, full of chaos and confusion. We hear of wars and violence from the media daily. No matter how loud the noise of the world gets, we can rest in the knowledge that God is our fortress.

A fortress is a strong structure built to keep those inside safe from the harm of any forces which may come against it. David says in Psalm 46:7 that is exactly what God is—our fortress.

If you look up “fortress” in the dictionary, it says: a fortified place, stronghold. Going to the root word, “fortify” you’ll see these definitions: to give physical strength, courage and endurance to; to add mental or moral strength to.

That’s exactly what God does as our Fortress. He gives us physical, mental and moral strength, courage and endurance. He is our fortress.

Strength and Security

In Psalm 46:7, David refers to God as the Lord of hosts. It is no coincidence that “hosts” in Hebrew means: a mass of persons, especially organized for war (an army); by implication a campaign (specifically hardship, worship), battle, company, service, soldiers.

A mass of persons worshipping the Lord is a great army and fortress against the spiritual forces of evil. A group of people who worship God together, form an invisible barrier against the forces of evil. They form a united front—a stronghold.

The powers of evil cannot overcome a united people in the fortress of God, worshipping in the Name of Jesus Christ. This is how nations are born, and this is how nations endure in the face of evil.

Next, David refers to God as the God of Jacob at the end of Psalm 46.7. The name “Jacob” in Hebrew means: heel catcher, or supplanter.

You can read all about Jacob in the Book of Genesis, and see the history of his name and its meaning. However, if you look up the word “supplant” in the dictionary, you’ll see this definition: to take the place of and serve as a substitute for esp. by reason of superior excellence or power.

Jesus Saved the Day

That’s exactly what God did for us. He sent Jesus to be the substitute for us, to pay the penalty for our sins. In this way, He is our fortress, our hero. He saved the day.

Jesus underwent an intense spiritual battle in the Garden of Gethsemane, an emotional battle in the face of leaving behind his loved ones on earth, and then an excruciating physical battle with his body.

He made the ultimate sacrifice for us, not just for our liberty from tyrannical governments, but for our spiritual, emotional and physical healing and well-being—our strength, safety, endurance and protection, inside and out.

He fought His way through the darkness—spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. He fought every kind of battle there is to fight, and He won. He overcame.

That’s how we can overcome. We take cover in Him. He knows the way through the darkness. He leads us out into the light. He is our fortress, our refuge and our safe haven. He is everything we need, in this world and beyond.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 46:7, and find hope, healing, encouragement, strength, security, safety and provision in God, your fortress.

More Bible Verses About Strength

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