Testimony of Healing from the Inside Out

by Yveatte Moore


As with many Christians, my spiritual walk with Christ has been a journey of faith. As we follow Him, He gently and gradually uproots us from the things of the world to help plant us in the truth of His righteousness so we can be fruitful in His Kingdom.

He has taught me much about physical health. Most importantly, that as my soul is healed from the sickness of sin my body responds with the same healing. In other words, we are healed from the inside out.

Our bodies decay and die because of sin, but Jesus restored us to the Father and redeemed us from sin through the sacrifice of His blood. In John 11:25, He said “I am the resurrection and the life…” In John 14:6 He said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” There is life in the pursuit of Jesus Christ, in so many ways. But we first have to believe it (increase our faith) so that we can receive it.

Have you ever considered the fact that in the Bible there is no record of Jesus ever being sick? He was weary at times but not sick. He was righteous through and through. That righteousness was life–from the core of His soul (His heart) all the way to His physical body. There was no sin in His heart, and therefore no sickness in His body.

Jesus Had Perfect Health

When Christ died on the cross, He gave to us His body—the Perfect Sacrifice—health and wellness inside and out. Remember at the Last Supper when He said in Luke 22:19,

“And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”

He broke the bread to symbolize His body being broken as the Perfect Sacrifice for us. As Christians, we are to partake of His body one day at a time as He leads us by faith to wellness in our souls (mind, will and emotions), which is His righteousness and this righteousness in turn manifests outward to healing in our physical bodies.

Proverbs 12:28 says, “In the path of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death.”

As sons and daughters of the King, an important part of our inheritance is the wealth of health.

I’m not saying by following Christ we will have a “perfect body” by society’s standards—buff and slim from head to toe. What I am saying is that we can have the health of Jesus Christ by the standards of Christ and that our spiritual health is crucial to obtaining physical health.

Personal Testimony

In recent years, I developed a condition of the stomach lining, which caused considerable pain and chronic nausea. The condition came upon me so gradually that I found myself trying to dodge the bullets of the symptoms by trying to control my diet and taking over-the-counter medication.

When things got better, I thought I had figured out a successful formula to keep it under control. But then Boom! It would rear its ugly head again. I began to develop a fear of food—what to eat and what not to eat. What if I ate this or didn’t eat that?

The symptoms gradually became more frequent and more severe, to the point I was afraid to eat in public anymore. One of my favorite pastimes of eating out was no longer enjoyable but became more like a prison of fear. Car rides became painful and even fearful because of chronic nausea. I would even dread going to bed at night, not knowing if it was going to be a good night or a painful one.

A trip to the doctor produced a diagnosis of gastritis, for which I was put on a bland diet with medication that would not just treat the symptoms but actually heal the stomach lining. While my symptoms improved moderately over the next several months, I still experienced chronic nausea and pain.

The doctor ordered 2 scans, which didn’t result in solving the problem. She suggested I see a specialist, who might be able to aid in narrowing down specific food combinations that might be triggering the symptoms.

The medication I was taking began causing side effects that caused severe heart palpitations and elevated my blood pressure, which to me were more troubling than the symptoms from gastritis. I stopped taking the medication and the side effects subsided but after a few days the stomach symptoms were back full force. I felt like a prisoner—held captive between my stomach condition and the medication that controlled it.

Clearing the Way

I sought the Lord continually for healing the entire time I was struggling. He gave me courage to seek the truth. He helped me face my fear of the unknown, sustained me when I was weak and walked with me when I was sick. He led me to the truth of what was in my heart: fear of the unknown, fear of dying, prideful attitudes and haughtiness buried so deeply I didn’t realize they were there.

With each truth that was uncovered and cleaned out of my heart, His light would show through where I could see the next step to take to be healed. This was a process and took some time. The Lord was so patient and gave me opportunities to surrender and repent of the ugliness that was buried in my heart and even confess it to my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Three Important Steps

  1. As He began healing my heart and spirit, one important step He led me to do was to begin researching natural alternatives to the prescription medication I had been taking. With His leading, I found a natural supplement specifically formulated for intestinal repair. I believe these supplements were a huge part in restoring a healthy balance of nutrients back in my body.
  2. Another important step was visiting a specialist who gave me important information about eating certain foods together. She explained how combining different textures like toasted bread and bananas, for example, would help foods stick together as they processed and would prevent them from clinging to my stomach lining.
  3. Understanding that I lacked a healthy balance of what my body needed from food, I also prayed that God would help me absorb the nutrients I needed to be healthy again. He knew I didn’t just need a restoration of nutrients for my body, but I needed a healthy balance of spiritual nutrients for my heart, my spirit. Fear and pride were causing problems in my heart, which spilled over into my body.

As the Lord replaced the sin sickness in my heart with His righteousness, I began receiving His guidance with more clarity on what foods to eat together and when. Because He gently removed the pride and fear from my heart, I could more clearly hear the Holy Spirit’s leadership on how to take care of my body—diet-wise and exercise-wise.

Instead of being imprisoned by food, medication and sickness, I was liberated in my heart by the gift of His mercy and righteousness, which has manifested to healing in my entire body. I can now sit down at the table without the fear of dread and eat with enjoyment and confidence. I can now go to bed without wondering if I’ll get to sleep all night. I can now get in the car without fear and doubt about what might happen.

Jesus truly is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). He leads us on paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake (Psalm 23:3). My pain and suffering were ultimately so He could show His kindness and mercy toward me, and so He could show me His great love. In other words, He was glorified in my life.

Jesus leads us to righteousness so we can be well—in our thoughts, emotions, desires and our physical bodies. When the “junk” is cleared out it makes room for more of Him. Then we can begin to see Him and hear Him, and sense His Presence with us in our everyday lives. He is a faithful Groom to His bride. My prayer is that we receive His faithfulness with gratitude and courage. To God be the glory forever! Amen and amen.


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