Proverbs 23:7 (NASB)

For as he thinks within himself, so he is.


Bible Commentary

Proverbs 23:7 is a popular Bible verse that gives us the secret to a successful life.

After a season of unusual suffering or hardship, we can be greatly relieved when we realize we survived the storm. But in our relief and even while we’re giving thanks to God, we can become so emotional from re-living the hardship that we have difficulty receiving His rest. The shock of our suffering in the valley speaks louder to us than the healing peace and rest of God.

In our relief from coming out of the storm, we might share with God just how hard it has been and how much or how long we have suffered. Yes, it was difficult and maybe the hardest thing we’ve ever been through, but if we’re not careful, that train of thought can lead us right back to our suffering, instead of to the freedom of Jesus’ tender embrace of loving mercy.

Proverbs 23:7 says that as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Whatever we focus on is where we end up. Our thoughts are so powerful. Jesus rose from the grave! He overcame death and the darkness of Hell for us, and yet many times we leave this precious gift unopened because we’re groping around in the darkness of our own thoughts and emotions.

1 Corinthians 2:16 says that we have the mind of Christ. We have access to the victory He won for us—spiritually, mentally, emotionally and in every other way. But we must get past our own selfish greediness in taking the glory for ourselves, and recognize our storm was just a drop in the bucket compared to what Jesus went through for us.

Yes, we suffered great pain, but instead of focusing on our hardships, let us move over, so the One Who bled and died on the cross can come shining through. When we surrender our own glory—whether it is from victory or defeat—we must offer it up to Jesus. Lay it at the foot of the cross, where His blood covers it.

You see, He gets no glory from our suffering when we’re holding onto it so tightly. Let’s move out of His way and surrender our thoughts, our words and our pain to the One Who can wipe away all our tears, grief and sorrow. Let us remember the cross and even more importantly, let us remember the empty tomb. Hallelujah!

Father God, we thank You for Jesus, for surrendering Your only begotten Son to the world, so that we could be reconciled back to Your loving embrace. We repent from glorying in our own suffering. You alone are worthy to be praised, the Holy Lamb of God. Help us to no longer focus on the storm, but on the greatness of Your power, the magnitude of Your love, and the unconditional acceptance of Your mercy so that we can hear the heavenly sounds of Your mercy over the noise of pain and sorrow. Thank You for Your patience with us, for holding out Your hand of peace, healing and restoration. We receive Your loving kindnesses and tender mercies, Lord, and we humbly thank You for them. Blessed be Your Name, the Lamb of God, forever and ever. To God be the glory forever! Amen!

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