Psalm 53:6 (KJV)

Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! When God bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 53:6 is a Bible verse from King David’s song book in which he is expressing his hope and prayer for Israel’s salvation and restoration.

At the time David wrote this song, the coming Messiah was only a prophecy, a promise to come. David’s praise was to God in the present, for the Deity he knew was coming in the future.

The word “salvation” in Psalm 53:6 has many Hebrew meanings. They are: something saved, deliverance; aid, victory, prosperity: deliverance, health, help, save, saving, welfare.

Salvation” means different things to different people. There is probably one word from the above definition that really hits home for you, more than the others.

It’s Already Yours

Whichever word that is, please focus on it and think about this: You already have access to it in Jesus Christ, for He is your salvation.

The devil works night and day to cloud our vision to the truth of what we already have in Christ. Before Jesus died on the cross, He said, “It is finished.” He completed the work the Father gave Him to do.

He fulfilled every letter of the law, lived a perfect life as an example to us and gave His life as a substitute for us, because the wages of sin is death.

A full restoration of communion with God the Father was made available to us when Jesus died. The veil was torn in two—a symbol that there was no more barrier between us and God. The penalty for sin was paid, for all who accept Jesus as their Saviour.

Every meaning of the word “salvation” above is yours, as a believer in Christ. It might not be a reality in your life right now, but it can be as you seek, trust and believe Christ.

Former State of Prosperity

Look at the Hebrew meaning of the word “captivity” in Psalm 53:6. It is: prisoners, captive, former state of prosperity.

The former state of prosperity refers to the holy matrimony man shared with God back in the Garden of Eden before sin. It was a heavenly setting upon earth—a beautiful, bright, peaceful and joyful place where there was no oppression, no conflict, no anger, anguish, pain or sickness of any kind.

Covering Adam and Eve was the amazing glory of God, and inside they were radiant with His beauty. They were vibrant and healthy, inside and out, and they enjoyed a rich, harmonious relationship with God and with one another—no strife, no miscommunication and no competition.

Without the covering of His glory, we are a people held captive in one form or another—in our finances, health, relationships, etc.

Christ is the way to freedom, to restoration of everything man once enjoyed with God, which was destroyed upon man’s exile from the Garden of Eden. He offers us full deliverance and restoration back to Him through Christ. That’s what salvation is!

Stand Firm in Faith

We need to stand firm in faith and claim the truth (Galatians 5:1), and thank God for what He has already made available to us in Christ. Many of the things we pray for are already rightfully ours, but we don’t know it or believe it.

Jesus said in Mark 11:24, “Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.”

As we believe, we will receive. Jesus said it is our faith that makes us well. It’s so important to study the Bible regularly to know God and what He has promised you through Jesus, His Son.

Seek God and His Word with your whole heart, as though your life depended upon it. Jesus is Saviour in every area of your life.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 53:6, and pray as David did, in faith and with thanks for the prosperity and restoration that are already yours in Jesus Christ.


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