Matthew 7:8 (NASB)

For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.


Bible Commentary

Matthew 7:8 is a famous Bible verse in the New Testament where Jesus is teaching us about the power of prayer.

We as humans are constantly looking for what we think will fulfill us—the right job, the right spouse, a bigger salary. And when we have attained those things, we’re still not completely satisfied and then we seek something else.

At some point, we may have finally decided to look up to God and pray. He is the only One Who won’t let us down, and the only One Who can fulfill us completely…and permanently.

We may not see an immediate answer to our prayer, but it says in the Bible that He answers prayer, whether we see it or not. Here is an important question and the key.

Do we believe it?

If we don’t really believe He answers us, then we won’t be looking for the answer. And if we don’t expect an answer, we may miss it when it comes.

Jesus said that everyone who asks receives. Everyone means you and me. There is power in prayer.

Unlocking the Truth – Power of Prayer

In John 15:7, Jesus said, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

Whatever we wish! Wow, that almost sounds too good to be true, but we must ask ourselves, have we tried praying to God, believing for an answer?

We mustn’t miss the first part of John 15:7, where He said “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you…” If we read the Bible regularly, His words abide in us and therefore we are closer to God.

And when we are closer to God, it is easier to believe Him. And because we know Him better, we can more easily recognize His answers to our prayers.

It becomes a dialogue between us and God, like a relationship, and a rich and satisfying one. As we get to know Him better, we start seeing Him and the answers to our prayers better.

There is nothing more exciting and satisfying than seeing God show up through our spouse, through our loved ones, and in our circumstances. He reveals Himself to those who know Him.

When we abide in His Word, the Bible, regularly and “ask” or pray regularly, we begin to recognize Him and the answers to our prayers.

Act on the Bible verse of Matthew 7:8. Ask and receive. Seek and find. Knock and the door will be opened.

Simply believing Matthew 7:8 will revolutionize your life and your prayers. Believe in the power of prayer, and receive.


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