Song of Solomon 1:4 (NASB)

Draw me after you and let us run together! The king has brought me into his chambers.


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Bible Commentary:

The entire book of Song of Solomon is God’s love story about you (His bride), and Himself, and it is also a model courtship between two people here on earth. Song of Solomon 1:4 is a Bible verse rich with meaning and full of the excitement of 2 people in love.

Some Hebrew meanings of the word “draw” are: draw out, to sow, to sound, to develop, to prolong.

God sent His Son to rescue mankind from sin and the curse of the world. Jesus Christ draws all men to Himself (John 12:32). The cross depicts Jesus with His arms wide open to the world in a gesture of love, acceptance and forgiveness—even in His death.

Interestingly, it is most often one or all of these qualities that attract us to another person, as Song of Solomon 1:4 says. Someone has shown or expressed love, acceptance and/or forgiveness toward us.

Most likely, you have attracted someone by expressing these qualities to them. You have drawn them to you. This mutual acceptance can create a very intimate and special bond. As your relationship develops, you may commit or pledge loyalty to one another, and all is well between you while this commitment is fresh with the feelings of love.

However, after a period of time the stresses and struggles of life set in, and you may find that your feelings of love have evaporated.

Unlocking the Truth – Forgiveness in Marriage

During the course of living life, we as flawed humans hurt one another at times, and over time that can cause the love and acceptance—the very things that attracted us to one another—to wane.

When we get hurt by someone we love, we unknowingly build walls of protection over our hearts, to lessen the pain. Over time and without effective marriage counsel with God, those walls get bigger and thicker.

Maybe it’s time for you to begin chiseling away at the walls around your heart, so that you can heal and so your marriage can be restored back to the exciting love you once enjoyed. This journey of healing takes courage because we must look at the very things that caused the walls to be built. Just like an infected flesh wound, healing can’t take place until the infection is cleaned out.

As long as the infection is present, the flesh cannot be completely healed. In fact, if left uncleansed the infection can spread to other parts of the body. It can be the same way with our heart.  There may be an infection deep inside that needs to be identified and washed out.

God is our Counselor

Many times, when problems arise in our lives, it is God’s way of bringing something to the surface that has been hidden deep in our hearts, so we can recognize what needs to be dealt with and cleared out. God is our Counselor and Healer. In His light, we see light—the truth (Psalm 36:9).

Sometimes it takes conflict, or pressure points as I like to call them, to bring something to our attention. So when something surfaces, we mustn’t bury it again. We need to take it to God and seek the truth. When we place it at the cross where He died with arms wide open in loving acceptance of us, He gives us peace in the place where there was trouble before.

Song of Solomon 1:4 says “Draw me after you.” The cross is a beautiful picture of His love for us. God heals us from the inside out.

He is our Counselor, our Heavenly Father. He knows what is buried in our hearts, and He is very patient with us, very gentle and ever so faithful as we trust Him to reveal it. He gently heals us as we place it at His feet. Let’s trust Him to lead us one day at a time until all is restored.

We can enjoy a vibrant, healthy marriage as we learn to tell God everything that concerns us and practice the art of forgiveness. We can’t feel love if there is bitterness in our hearts toward each other. We must forgive our spouse and ourselves.

The blood of Christ was enough to cover and cleanse each one of us. We all desperately need it. His grace is sufficient for you and for me. Study the Bible verse of Song of Solomon 1:4, and receive God’s counsel, so your marriage can enjoy rich, exciting love again.

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Bible Verses about Marriage



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