Psalm 23:3 (ESV)

He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake.


Bible Commentary

Psalm 23:3 is a Bible verse from one of the most famous Psalms in the Bible, where David is expressing his gratitude to God for teaching him righteousness which restored his soul.

If you look in Webster’s dictionary, the word “restore” means: to return to a former state; bring back to health, strength.

David is praising God for healing his soul.

Let’s look at the word “soul”. Some Hebrew meanings are: breathing creature, animal or vitality, desire, heart, mind. Webster’s dictionary sums it up with this definition: the moral or emotional nature of a person.

Emotional Healing

We as humans are very emotional beings. Our feelings and desires drive our actions, and many times those feelings begin as a thought in our minds.

In Psalm 23:3 David is praising God for leading him on paths of righteousness, which healed his soul—his thoughts and emotions.

We all need healing in our souls from something that wounded us in our past. Many of us have been deeply hurt by someone close to us. Those wounds left scars in our soul, which need to be healed.

We need God’s help to…  click to continue reading



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