Psalm 45:13 continued

The King’s daughter is all glorious within; Her clothing is interwoven with gold.



… the bride would have been developing this inward beauty from her childhood. Spiritual maturity, which is inward beauty, takes place gradually over time.

This spiritual maturity gives her wisdom about the right mate for her. And then when it’s time to make vows before God, she can do so with confidence, without fear of the future–not because she puts all of her hope and trust in the man she is marrying, but because she is established in the foundation of Jesus Christ.

We are safe in the everlasting arms of God the Father (Deuteronomy 33:27), so no matter what storms may come, our hope and confidence are in Him together, as a married couple.

Malachi 2:15 (ESV) says, “Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union?”

When we make our vows before God, we invite Him into the union. He lives within each of us as individuals, but also comes into the union of the marriage. That is where the real beauty comes from.

Glorious Within

Psalm 45:13 says the king’s daughter is all glorious within. “Glorious” in Hebrew means: weightiness; magnificence, wealth. Webster’s defines it like this: marked by great beauty or splendor.

Notice the last part of Psalm 45:13, “her clothing is interwoven with gold.” As she fulfills her responsibility to develop spiritually, God adorns her with His glory. He does this in a multitude of ways. He adorns her with a husband and so much more.

As we accept God’s order of marriage as man and wife, His Own glory shines through. We begin to see His perfect love in our spouse and in the union. God’s glory rises to the surface as we invite Him into every aspect of the union.

There is no greater beauty than that, and there is no greater marriage than that. Embrace His everlasting love into yours. Study the Bible verse of Psalm 45:13 and receive the glory of God into your marriage.


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