Malachi 2:15a (ESV)

Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union?


Bible Commentary

Malachi 2:15a is a Bible verse from the Old Testament that discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in marriage.

The word “marriage” today seems to be a very casual term to many people. We treat it like a casual courtship, rather than a binding and holy promise made before an almighty God, the God of Heaven and earth, the One Who created us and made us for Himself. But to God, marriage is a sacred vow that He takes very seriously.

We forget (or don’t realize) that the moment we believed in Jesus Christ and accepted Him into our hearts to forgive us of our sins, He came into our lives—our very hearts—and married us. God gave us the ultimate example of a perfect union, the one He designed and created for us—the example of Jesus Christ as our Husband and the church as His bride.

He is with us to stay, whether we fellowship with Him or not. He is committed to us as our Divine Husband. No matter how we as His bride treat Him—ignoring Him, disrespecting Him, dismissing Him—He will not leave us.

John 14:16 says, “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever“

Our Divine Husband

Before we consider marriage relationships with one another, we would do well to remember and honor our Divine Husband, the Lord Jesus Christ.  If we can practice relating to Christ as the Lord of our life, we will do far better in a marriage relationship with our spouse.

The first part of Malachi 2:15 says that He made them one. It is not man, priest or pastor who makes a union. It is God the Father, before Whom we promise ourselves to another person. He makes us one. How does He do that?

Look at the next part of Malachi 2:15, which says, “with a portion of the Spirit in their union.” The word “spirit” in Hebrew means: wind, breath, life, courage and mind (among others).

The Holy Spirit is life, breath and power from above. It is crucial that we understand what a wonderful privilege and gift we have in the union of our marriage. If we understood the power available to us, we wouldn’t be so quick to call it quits when our marriage relationship turns sour.

Unlocking the Truth – New Breath, New Life

The Holy Spirit can breathe new life into a limp, failing and dull marriage relationship! Revelation 21:5 says, “And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.”

Remind yourself of the power of the Holy Spirit! Open up the Bible and read about all the miracles Jesus did. He turned water into wine; He healed the sick; He even brought the dead to life again!

As a believer, that’s the kind of power we have living inside us! Don’t ignore it, or act like it doesn’t exist or that it’s not real. It is real! STIR UP YOUR FAITH!

Look inward to the Holy Spirit for help, instead of to another person. God is the ultimate marriage counselor. Isaiah 9:6 says, “…his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

He has not left us, nor forsaken us. We only need to access the Holy Spirit within us and within our marriage—our union. The word “one” in Hebrew means: united, unify, collect, together.

What is it that separates you and your spouse? Is it different desires? Is it competition between you? Is it different philosophies or ideas, different viewpoints and opinions?

To Bring Together

The very things that have separated us in our earthly marriages are the same things that have divided Christ from us, His bride. But no matter how wide the divide, the Holy Spirit’s role is to unify, to collect, to bring together. Let us ask Him. He is our Counsellor.

He might first unify you together with Himself by showing you His desires and views in His Word before He begins to reconcile your desires and viewpoints with those of your spouse. We must be willing to follow Him on the journey.

Let us commit to Him like He committed to us. Cultivate faithfulness toward Him, and He will help us cultivate faithfulness toward our spouse and our spouse toward us. And He will also gather (collect) the church back to Him in the perfect harmony of holy matrimony, the way He intended.

Not only can He heal our marriage, but He will reveal Himself in the healing, so that we can walk through life in harmony, not only with our spouse but in abundant awareness of our union with Christ.

There is no greater adventure or reward than living in the knowledge of a holy matrimony with our spouse and our Lord. His desire is toward us (Song of Solomon 7:10). Study the Bible verse of Malachi 2:15a, and unleash the power of the Holy Spirit in your union.


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