Song of Solomon 7:10 (KJV)

I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me.


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Bible Commentary

Song of Solomon 7:10 is a Bible verse from the Old Testament where Solomon’s bride is expressing a willing surrender to her husband, which brings about his desire for her.

God’s intended design for women was to give them a double covering of protection—Himself and then her husband. Genesis 2:22 says that God created Eve from the rib of the man. She came from within her husband, and that is where she is protected from Satan and the dangers of the world—under her husband’s care and leadership.

Satan has been very effective at stealing, killing and destroying marriages and families by distorting the beauty of God’s order by:

·         Exploiting men’s weaknesses and undermining their effectiveness in leading their homes.

·         Luring women away from their husbands and homes with the pride of ownership and accomplishment apart from their husbands.

·         Deceiving us into thinking we need things more than truth, whereby we make unwise financial decisions that put our households in jeopardy.

·         Distracting us from God and the Bible with the busyness of life and the temptations of the world.

·         Luring us into sexual temptation outside of marriage.

All of these things combined make for a very choppy and chaotic marriage and household. God intended for our marriages and homes to operate smoothly in love all the time, like a river of water flowing downhill—no stagnation and no dryness.

Removing the Dam

If you have stumbled upon a dam that is blocking that love flow, look at the list above and see where the devil has been at work in your life. Once you recognize your enemy, you can take steps to defeat and destroy him and his work against your home.

Psalm 27:6 says, “And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord.”

David was rejoicing because God lifted his head to show him his enemies. You can’t defeat something you can’t see.

Unlocking the Truth – Sex & Submission

Song of Solomon 7:10 is so sweet and simple you might miss the importance of its message. The bride surrendered herself—physically and emotionally—to a husband who loved her and was attracted not only to her body (physical submission), but also her attitude (emotional submission) toward him.

Our sexual relationship in marriage is so much more than just the physical act. It is an emotional state of love, of courtship, of a continual stance of submission toward one another. It is in this way a relationship is blessed beyond the bounds of human understanding.

It works the same way in our relationship with God. He is our Husband (Isaiah 54:5), and He is attracted to a surrendered emotional state, a humbled attitude toward Him.

The Hebrew meaning of the word “desire” in Song of Solomon 7:10 is: stretching out after; a longing. When we submit our attitude and our body to Him, it’s like a laser beam that attracts an eager Lover—the Lover of our souls.

He always loves us, but when you combine His unconditional love with His affectionate love, it is a power beyond our comprehension which heals and nourishes souls, bodies, relationships, marriages and nations.

Study the Bible verse of Song of Solomon 7:10, so you can know the unfathomable love and grace of God for yourself and your mate.



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