John 1:1 (NASB)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.


Bible Commentary

John 1:1 is a Bible verse in the New Testament where John, the beloved disciple of Jesus Christ, describes the Word of God and its creation. There is much discussion and skepticism in the world about faith and religion in general. Looking at only the destruction and darkness that exists today, it is easy to dismiss the notion of a divine creator.

Looking instead at the good in humanity and the beauty of creation and the miracles in nature, it is also easy to believe in a Divine Creator. Each of us has to form our own opinion and beliefs according to our experiences and education.

To know for yourself if the Bible really is the Word of a Divine Creator, God Himself, you need to look and see what it has to say.

Unlocking the Truth – Word of God

John 1:1 teaches that in the beginning of time, the Word already existed. Let’s look more closely at “Word” in this verse. Some Hebrew meanings of “Word” are: something said or thought, reasoning or motive, Divine Expression (that is, Christ).

So, the verse is saying that the Divine Expression, Christ Himself, existed in the beginning, and also that Christ, or Divine Expression, was with God.

Let’s look at the Hebrew meanings of God: a deity, the supreme Divinity, exceeding.

So Christ, the Divine Expression or Word of God, was with God. The next section of this verse is the most exciting to me. It says the Word was God.

Do you believe the Bible is Supernatural, that the words of its pages are Divinely Expressed? That it is God Himself? Ask God to show you in a way you can understand that He is real and the words of the Bible are from Him.

If God is the Supreme Divinity, the Father of Jesus Christ and the Word, He can easily prove it to you, if you are seeking the truth.

Jesus told His disciples that He was in the Father and the Father was in Him (John 14:10). Just as you are a biological product of both your mother and father, you have some of both of them in you.

By reading and studying the Bible verse of John 1:1, which is Divine Expression, you are face-to-face with Christ, the Truth. By being face-to-face with Christ, you are also face-to-face with God the Father.

May you gain clarity and hope as He reveals Himself to you through His Word. You will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free (John 8:32).



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