John 8:32 (NASB)

and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.


Bible Commentary:

John 8:32 is a famous Bible verse where Jesus tells us how the truth—His Word in the Bible–sets us free from the bondage of our souls, like fear.

Fear is nothing more than a lie:

  • False
  • Evidence
  • Appearing
  • Real

Truth is the antidote for a lie, and believing the truth is the medicine we need for our fear disease. This is the essence of John 8:32.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour, then you have faith within you, from that place of union with the Holy Spirit. You have power living inside you!

However, our faith must be developed and strengthened to grow strong enough to conquer the fear. Reading the Bible regularly helps us learn who we really are in Jesus Christ. When we begin to believe the truth about who we really are—a beautiful person who is deeply loved by God—then we can accept the truth and begin rejecting the lies (feelings and thoughts) of guilt and fear.

The Truth is Freedom

When fearful and guilty emotions or thoughts begin to arise, we must stand fast in the truth—holding the position of faith in our minds, like a soldier in battle. Galatians 5:1 says, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.”

We must not agree with the lies. We must reject them! After we come to believe the truth, the lies don’t hold any more power over us, but we must hold fast to that position of truth by faith. Cling to the truth by faith to send fear packing…Hallelujah!

We can do this by speaking Bible verses out loud or in our mind. Jesus said in John 8:31 “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.”

Reading and memorizing scripture (and repeating it in our minds throughout the day) is a powerful way to live and walk in the truth, which in turn helps us recognize the negative thoughts and feelings that come against us. We must saturate our minds with the truth and love, so we can reject the lies and hostility.

Positive In, Positive Out

We are able to overcome the lies of darkness when we know and believe the Light of Truth! We must put positive in every day so positive will come out and become a way of life. Memorize John 8:32, and claim it!

Jesus said He came so that we could live an abundant life in freedom—freedom from guilt, freedom from fear, freedom from pain. (John 10:10)

As you walk the journey with Jesus to find out who you really are in Him, ask Him to show you the truth in your own heart. Every day seek the truth, and you will find it (Matthew 7:8). When God exposes a lie, replace it with the truth and stand firm in it (Galatians 5:1).

When the deception or obstacle is removed it bridges the gap between you and God, you and abundance. The truth, which is Jesus Christ, is the way (John 14:6).

Any lie is like a dam that blocks the flow of the living water. Fear is a lie, which is like a dam. Removal of that fear obstacle will allow entry of God’s provision, blessing and reward. In the book of Isaiah, God is called a Wonderful Counselor. Not only is He our Counselor, but our Father, our Friend and Rescuer.

He set me free from a prison of fear and insecurities which not only affected my life, but my marriage and my children. I wanted more for my family and for me, and He has given it to us through His Word, the Bible. As you seek the truth through His Word He will do the same for you. Study the Bible verse of John 8:32, and be free!


More Bible Verses about Fear





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