Psalm 32:7 (ESV)

You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance. 


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 32:7 is a Bible verse that praises God for His protection over us.

Can you remember when you were a child playing hide-and-go-seek, and you found a great place to hide? It was a place you were sure no one would find you, and it made you feel safe and secure.

That’s what David is saying about how the Lord makes him feel. He tells God in Psalm 32:7, “You are a hiding place for me…”

There are days when we just feel like hiding from everybody and everything. We want to escape from the pressures and decisions of life, and be tucked away in a quiet and safe place. David said to the Lord, “You preserve me from trouble…”

When God sent Jesus Christ to redeem us from our sin, that is exactly what He was creating for us—a place of safety from trouble and a hiding place from the chaos of the world. Praise the Lord!

However, we may not perceive the Lord as a place of refuge until we have experienced a time or place where we felt anything BUT safe. As we sought Him and His Word for help, we began to see Him as the comfort and safe haven we so desperately wanted.

We began to understand that it wasn’t a change in our circumstance that would bring us the relief we were after, but the Lord Himself. Because of Jesus Christ, we can feel safe in an unsafe atmosphere.

Unlocking the Truth – Through Us

We can be joyful in a sea of negativity, and we can be the light for others in a dark and dreary place.

By sticking close to Christ and hiding His Word in our heart, His light can penetrate the darkest of places and hardest of circumstances through us, His vessel. With God, all things are possible (Mark 9:23).

He can turn that sea of negativity into the living water of Jesus Christ…through us.

He can bless what was once cursed…through us.

He can love the unlovable…through us.

He can heal the brokenhearted…through us.

He can reach out and lift up…through us.

When we take refuge in Jesus Christ, we take up His mindset and His perspective, and our hearts become one with His. What we’ve been waiting for Him to do, He does through us, His willing vessels.

His strength becomes our strength. His wisdom becomes ours. His courage and tenacity…ours. Everything we could ever want and need is in Christ.

Maybe it’s time to put the other books away and open the Bible.

Maybe it’s time to get down on our knees in surrender to a Holy, loving God.

Maybe it’s time to devote ourselves, really devote ourselves to the study of His Word and His life, instead of someone else’s.

Look at the last part of Psalm 32:7. You surround me with shouts of deliverance.

The chorus of Heaven plays all around us continually. Maybe we haven’t heard it, or may be haven’t been listening, but it’s there. When the noise of the world gets drowned out by the sounds of heaven, we can’t help but be a vessel that carries the love of Christ. What we receive in, we give out.

So when the winds of the world come at you, take cover in the hiding place of Jesus Christ. Let the sound of His Word ring in your ears and in your heart, and may the peace of Christ reside continually with you and your house.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 32:7, and let’s take cover in Jesus Christ so we can hear the sounds of deliverance and be a vessel of love to reach others.



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