Zephaniah 3:17 (NKJV)

The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”


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Bible Commentary

Zephaniah 3:17 is a Bible verse and prophecy about God’s faithfulness and mercy toward His church–us.

It’s an exciting thought to know that God is in our midst. If we would only sharpen our spiritual sight by working out our faith muscle, there is no telling what amazing things we would see.

We would see God in our midst!

It’s right there in the Word of God—the truth. We can choose to skim the surface so we can hurry and finish another chapter, or we can dig in and meditate on the wonderful gifts of God’s promises.

The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save;

The Mighty One will save. We must ask ourselves, what are we pursuing today? What are we trying to feverishly accomplish? Why are we rushing? Maybe it’s to get finished with our work so we can have a few hours of rest and recreation, or to spend some quality time with our kids before bedtime.

Those are good things, but are we trying to accomplish it on our own? That is the question. “Save” in Hebrew means: wide or free, be safe, defend, and get victory. That’s really what we all want in some form or another, isn’t it?

Again, The Mighty One will save. Not us, not our spouse or our boss or a boyfriend or girlfriend, or even more money, no.

The Mighty One will save.

Are we looking to the Lord, waiting on Him and praying with expectation, or are we trying to accomplish it on our own? If the Lord our God is in our midst, then why in the world are we putting expectations on others or on ourselves, instead of deepening our faith and leaning upon The Mighty One?

The next part of Zephaniah 3:17 says, He will rejoice over you with gladness. “Rejoice” in Hebrew means: to be bright, cheerful.

We can probably think of times or seasons in our lives when we’ve felt bright and cheerful, even in spite of some challenging circumstances. That brightness is the Lord. He rejoices over us. We might think it is just a passing mood, but it is so much more than that.

God helps us to know that He is in our midst. He might bring to your memory a particular moment in your life when you were speaking to Him or walking with Him in sweet companionship. You might not have even realized He was listening, yet He delights in those moments and treasures them, and He wants you to treasure them, too. He speaks back to us if we only take the time to think about what He is showing us.

Unlocking the Truth – Quiet Love

The next part of Zephaniah is especially intriguing…   click to continue reading



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