Psalm 67:1-2 Continued

God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.


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… in Psalm 67:1 is “God be merciful unto us…” Many times, we don’t even recognize the error in our heart and ways. We all need the mercy of God, no matter how spiritually mature we are.

The Psalmist then asked for God’s blessing and that He would cause his face to shine upon us.

If we only read the first verse of Psalm 67, it sounds as if he is asking for God’s mercy and blessing so that His beauty would be reflected upon them. But keep reading and in Psalm 67:2, we see why he asks for these things.

That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.

The prayer is not for the ultimate honor of man, but so that God’s glory would be known. Then, when man knows the glory of God, it results in the saving health among all nations.

When God is in the Lead

You see, it is for our good that God be honored and glorified above us. It is when He is in the lead that we shine. It is then that His shining glory is reflected back upon us.

When He is in the lead, we will know the fear of the Lord over the fear of man, the fear of evil, the fear of violence or the fear of lack. When He passes by, we shall know the King of kings and the Lord of lords for who He is—Lord over all the earth.

That is His rightful place in the heart of man. First and foremost, forever.

Study the Bible verses of Psalm 67:1-2, and know the fear of the Lord.



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