2 Corinthians 3:5 (NASB)

Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God,


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…It is good to have a healthy reminder of Who God is in our lives, who we are with Him and who we are without Him.

One way to find this out first-hand is to experience a loss of some kind. Maybe the loss is financial. That alone can strip arrogance and a prideful attitude right out of us.

A Humbling Experience

Having gone through personal bankruptcy and almost a foreclosure on our home, I speak from first-hand experience. We can find out quite quickly that our adequacy is not in and of ourselves, as 2 Corinthians 2:5 says.

The skills my husband and I developed from having “important jobs” turned out to be useless when we couldn’t find any employment after our former company sold. At the very same time, health issues required surgery, which added to the financial turmoil.

Things can turn upside down in the blink of an eye. It is critical to know Jesus Christ as your Saviour, but it is also important to remember who you are without Him, and what’s really important in your life.

It is easier to see who we are in Christ when He separates us from our gifts. This can be a very humbling experience, but an important one.

·         It helps us see Him in us.
·         Makes us more grateful for what He has given us.
·         It helps us have more compassion toward others.

We all need these reminders from time to time. When and if it happens to you, don’t panic. Trust God to show you the way one day at a time. He can and will surprise you with Who He is and how much He loves you.

Study the Bible verse of 2 Corinthians 3:5, and get in agreement with God about who you are in Jesus Christ.




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