Mark 9:7 (ESV)

And a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud, “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.”


Bible Commentary

Mark 9:7 is a Bible verse from the New Testament where a supernatural occurrence is witnessed and the voice of God was heard by man.

We all want our fathers to be proud of us. We want their approval and support. Sadly, there are many who were not raised by their earthly father or even know who he is.

Fortunately for all of us, no matter what our individual family situation is, we have a Heavenly Father Who loves us dearly. We can always rely on Him for the truth, for leadership and the right example, for support and most of all for unconditional love.

To set the stage for Mark 9:7, Jesus had led Peter, James and John up a high mountain by themselves. Suddenly, Jesus was transfigured before them in a supernatural phenomenon. His clothes became radiant and shining. It was like seeing the Son of God in a heavenly setting, instead of the earthly environment they were used to.

And then Elijah and Moses appeared, and they were talking to Jesus. Peter, James and John were terrified at these strange occurrences, and in Mark 9:7 a cloud overshadowed them. The voice of God came from the cloud and spoke of Jesus, His Son. Mark 9:7 says that God told them, “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.”

It was like a formal introduction. If they hadn’t yet believed that Jesus was God’s Son, this was the time!

Unlocking the Truth – Son of God

It was quite an honor to have lived during the time Jesus was on earth as a man. Moreover, these three men—Peter, James and John had been chosen as disciples of Jesus. Not only that, but they were Jesus’ inner circle of followers and friends. You might say His best friends. What a high privilege!

Here they were on a high mountain with Jesus, and they witnessed an amazing transfiguration—a scene from Heaven—and lived to tell about it. And then they heard the voice of God!

God allowed these men to witness this phenomenon, and that was a great honor. But look again at what God said about Jesus, “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.” This was the ultimate edification and honor. Not only did He transform Jesus’ appearance into the beauty and radiance of the holiness of Heaven, but He introduced Jesus as His Son. On top of that, He called Jesus His beloved Son.

“Beloved” is defined as: greatly loved; dear to the heart.

There could be no greater position, title or rank—to be greatly loved and dear to God’s heart as a Son. Amazingly, that’s precisely what we are—a beloved child of God—if we have accepted His gift of Jesus Christ as Saviour.

God further honored Jesus by giving the men an instruction to listen to Him. By revealing to these men Who Jesus was, it would be safe to assume they would listen and follow Him, but God made it quite clear and communicated it in a simple, but critically important instruction.

It is one thing to be promoted by men, even your own father. It is something altogether different to be honored by God!

God, our Father, testified that Jesus was His Son and gave us the instruction to listen to Jesus. Everything we could ever want or need is in Jesus Christ and the Word of God. The highest honor we can give God is to believe what He said and to follow Jesus and listen to Him by reading His words in the Bible.

Study the Bible verse of Mark 9:7 and meditate on the amazing experience of seeing Jesus in His glory and hearing the voice of God, the Father. He is speaking to you. Listen to Him.


Verse of the Day

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