Psalm 34:5 (NASB)

They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces will never be ashamed.


Bible Commentary

Psalm 34:5 is a Bible verse from the Book of Psalms where King David is teaching us what blessings of grace we have in God, while he is praising Him. David knew God well. God Himself called David “a man after My heart” (Acts 13:22). That is reason enough to study David’s words in the Psalms.

David grew up as a shepherd boy, where he spent many days and nights alone in the fields tending sheep. He and God spent much time communing in the quietness of the pastures, and David learned Who God was and that he could trust Him for help, especially when he had to fight bears or lions to protect the sheep (1 Samuel 17:34).

A Master of Praise

After David was anointed to become king he was forced to run for his life, and time after time God rescued him from his enemies. Out of David’s grateful heart, he became a master at praising God.

Psalm 34:4 says, “I sought the Lord, and He answered me, And delivered me from all my fears.” David looked to God, as Psalm 34:5 says, and he basked in the radiance of God’s glory.

David was a man of war during much of his reign, and he knew that his victories came from God. From his own life experiences, he could say with certainty that those who look to God will never be ashamed.

In the light of Jesus Christ, God’s gift to mankind to redeem us from sin, we have forgiveness. All we have to do is ask and receive.

Unlocking the Truth – Forgiveness

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