Psalm 34:5 Continued

They looked to Him and were radiant,  and their faces will never be ashamed.


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….opportunity to live a life completely free from guilt, fear and shame—all our mistakes and bad decisions from the past!

If you are already a believer, you are free because Christ lives within you, and He paid the price for your sins. Then why don’t you feel free? Why do you still have those guilty or defeating feelings if your sin is in fact, gone?

Wherever we are planted is where we grow.

If we are planted in the foundational belief that we are a sinner (even after we have received Christ), like a flower we may grow for a while, but soon we may wilt.

flower rooted in liesBecause of the wrong belief system, we hear the winds of guilt and fear ringing in our ears over the sound of grace and peace.

And because we have evidence (what we see and remember) of all our past mistakes or sins to support that guilt, we accept it as truth because our belief in the evidence is much stronger than our faith in the grace (our forgiveness) in Christ.

But on the other hand, if we are planted in the foundational belief that we are a saint who is pure and healthy because we accepted Jesus’ sacrifice, then we will grow beautiful and strong.

flower rooted in truthThat radiance spoken of in Psalm 34:5 comes from the purity of Christ living in us. It becomes evident as we believe it exists and we choose to receive it.

Though the rain and wind may beat us up from time to time, we remain vibrant and strong because we keep focusing our attention on the truth—the sounds of praise and peace in God’s Word.

The Bible is like a shelter from the winds of guilt and fear. The more we are grounded in His Word, the safer we are, and the more we will hear the sounds of peace and grace.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 34:5 and other Psalms to understand the magnitude of blessings and freedom in God’s forgiveness.




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