Psalm 24:5 Continued

He shall receive a blessing from the Lord And righteousness from the God of his salvation.


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…in the truth about who we are in Christ, believing, we can begin to receive the fullness of His blessings, His promises and live in confidence.

One of the Hebrew meanings for the word “blessing” in Psalm 24:5 is “prosperity”. Similarly, one of the Hebrew meanings for the word “righteousness” in the same verse is “prosperity”.

The definition of “prosperity” in Webster’s dictionary is: the condition of being successful or thriving: economic well-being; enjoying vigorous and healthy growth.

We don’t have to muddle through in mediocrity, just getting by. We have been offered prosperity—vigorous and healthy growth in every part of our life, including our finances.

Pray with Confident Faith

All of these blessings are ours in Jesus Christ. Confidently receive the gifts He freely offers–take hold of them by faith. Let’s pray for prosperity and confidence, believing they are ours.

Hebrews 4:16 says, “Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace…”

Let’s praise Jesus Christ, thanking Him for the blessings and gifts of righteousness He died to give us. Our praise and confident faith attracts the Kingdom of God to us.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 24:5 and the entire Psalm to increase your faith and confidence in Christ to receive all the blessings of prosperity that He died to give you.


More Bible Verses about Confidence




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