Proverbs 3:6 (NKJV)

In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. 

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Bible Commentary

Proverbs 3:6 is a popular Bible verse from the Old Testament that teaches us how to relate to God.

This verse is course 101 in relationship-building with God the Father. We may or may not have a good relationship with our father on earth, but our Heavenly Father will never steer us wrong. But growing to believe and trust Him is a process, a journey.

There is nothing in the world we can put our absolute trust in. People are imperfect, and our churches, organizations, causes and enterprises are also imperfect. The only absolute truth and perfection is in Jesus Christ, God the Father and the supernatural Word of God, the Bible. Proverbs 3:6 says, “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

The word “acknowledge” is defined like this: 1) to admit as true 2) to recognize the authority or claims of 3) express thanks for.

Before we can really grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ, we must believe Him—admit as true. If you haven’t personally experienced the power of God’s Word, dive in and ask Him to reveal it to you. When we see God for ourselves, He becomes real to us. We can then pursue Him and His Word with confidence, knowing in our hearts it is true. We acknowledge Him this way.

Recognize God’s Authority

The next way we acknowledge God is to recognize the authority or claims of. Once we believe Him, we need to accept His authority over us—not because He wants control over us, but because He wants to protect us.

The more you come to understand His great love and sacrifice for you (by the cross of Jesus Christ His Son), the more you can trust He has good in mind for you. It is a process to surrender our pride so we can receive the humility of Christ. It is greatly pleasing to God when we accept His way over our own, trusting Him by faith. Hebrews 11:6

The next way we acknowledge Him is to express thanks for. This is critically important. He desires to lavish the gifts of the kingdom upon us, but unless we acknowledge Him (give thanks) for the gifts we already have, why would He give us more? He is a Person with feelings and emotions, and giving Him thanks is a way of praising and worshipping Him. This puts Him in the driver’s seat and us in the passenger seat where we can rest and enjoy the ride.

These are the three main ways to acknowledge God, and we must do so in all our ways, as Proverbs 3:6 says.

Unlocking the Truth – Smooth and Straight

When we understand how to acknowledge God in all our ways, we can begin to put it into practice. As I said before, it is a process and we must practice it every day to grow strong in Christ and experience His fullness.

Proverbs 3:6 promises us that He will direct our paths. “Direct” references the following phrase: make smooth or straight. Hebrew meanings are: to make right, pleasant, and prosperous.

This is like living in the favor of God. Things just come easier. It could be as minor as finding a prime parking spot in a crowded parking lot or as major as passing a huge final in a difficult class or getting the job we wanted. As we practice acknowledging Him, He makes what once was crooked and difficult in our lives smooth and straight. Life goes more smoothly and is more pleasant as God directs our paths.

It doesn’t mean we won’t have trials and difficulties, but with the hand of God on our lives we can be confident that He is the One in control. He prospers us in many ways as we practice the 3 ways of acknowledging Him.

Let’s give Him thanks for what He has already done in our lives. Praise the Lord! Study the Bible verse of Proverbs 3:6 to acknowledge God, so He can direct your paths.

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