Hebrews 9:14 continued

how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?


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…Paul is saying that because of the power of the blood of Christ, the perfect sacrifice, we are not only clean outwardly, but inwardly where our thoughts and feelings dwell—our conscience.

Some Greek meanings of “conscience” are: to see completely; to understand or become aware; consider.

Because of the power of the blood of Christ, our conscience is clean from dead works. When we become aware of dead thoughts and dead feelings, and understand they are not of Christ, we can remember and claim the power of the blood and be set free from them.

Be Transformed

Maybe we become aware of an indifference or a lack of compassion within ourselves toward others; or maybe it’s a bad attitude about our job, or a lack of moral strength or integrity. The list could go on…

When we accepted Christ as our Saviour, many of us took that opportunity to make Him Lord of our lives as well, to get out of the driver’s seat and give Him the wheel.

That’s when the power of His blood can emerge in our everyday life. We can have the mind of Christ, and with it so much more if we choose to receive it. We don’t have to live beat down by the world or by the devil. We have the power of the blood!

Study the Bible verse of Hebrews 9:14, stand tall and forge ahead in the power of the blood of Christ.


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