2 Thessalonians 1:11 (NASB)

To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling,  and fulfill every desire for goodness and the  work of faith with power


Bible Commentary:

2 Thessalonians 1:11 is a Bible verse in the New Testament where the Apostle Paul is presenting to the Thessalonians his prayer to God for empowerment of their work and calling in Jesus Christ.

Earlier in Paul’s letter, he is commending these saints because he could see how their faith had been greatly enlarged, and he noticed their growing love for one another (2 Thes. 1:3).

He acknowledged their persecutions and afflictions, and he praised them for their perseverance and faith through it all. It’s very important to know he reminded them the reason they went through these afflictions was so they would be considered worthy for the kingdom of God (2 Thes. 1:5).

Making Us Worthy

We have all been through difficulties in our lives, some more severe than others, but all our troubles have something beautiful wrapped up in them. God is working something in and through us that will cause the revelation of the kingdom of God.

In 2 Thessalonians 1:11, Paul states that his prayer is that God would count them worthy of their calling. “Worthy” in Hebrew means: deem entitled or deserving, reward.

Before we can be great in the kingdom of God, we must be able to identify with Christ and His sufferings. (1 Peter 4:12-13) This doesn’t mean we are checking off our boxes (working our way) to the time we can be fruitful in the kingdom, but it does mean that we need to identify with Christ in order to be a servant to others, just like He taught us.

God doesn’t make us “great” so we can shine. He makes us “great” so He can shine through us. And making us great takes time and some experiences, both good and bad.

Unlocking the Truth – Your Work of Faith with Power

In 2 Thessalonians 1:11, Paul also says his prayer is that God would fulfill their “every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power.”

“Goodness” in Hebrew means: virtue. Many times, we associate the word “virtue” with a woman and her reputation. However, Webster’s first definitions are: strength, manliness; conformity to standard of right; morality; an order of angels; manly courage or strength, valor.

Paul is praying that their every desire for virtue (strength, manliness, morality) would be satisfied or fulfilled. What a powerful prayer! What if every desire of goodness you had for you and your loved ones was fulfilled? Courage, valor, morality, strength: that’s a powerful list!

God answers our prayers.

We might not always be able to see what He is doing through our experiences. It takes time and both good and difficult experiences, as we noted above. But He does answer.

The last part of Paul’s prayer is “the work of faith with power.” The word “work” in Hebrew translates to: toil (as an effort or occupation), an act, labour. “Faith” in Hebrew means: persuasion, credence, religious truth, reliance upon Christ for salvation, assurance, believe, fidelity.

No matter what your job or work is right now, it can serve as a work of faith—fidelity toward God, believing God, relying upon Christ for salvation every day. Make yourself available to God, and His light can shine through your job or work, whatever it is.

Don’t sell God short.

He created you and your work, and He is accomplishing something great through it, whether you see it or not. It’s a work of faith—believe it. It wouldn’t be faith if you could see it all the time.

Lastly, Paul prays for power. “Power” in Hebrew means: force, miraculous power, ability, abundance, mighty. He prayed that their work would be of faith and with power.

If you’re working in faith—believing God for your kingdom calling, you’ll see the power. It will begin to emerge as a light up ahead in the distance, and it gets brighter and bigger as you depend upon Christ in a continuing salvation, believing Him for something great in the kingdom of God.

Study the Bible verse 2 Thessalonians 2:11, and recognize your calling in the kingdom of God, using your faith and experiences to identify with Christ. May God go with you and shine His light through you every day of your journey with Him.

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