God-Sized Testimony from a Wife and Mother

Ephesians 5:22-23 Wives, submit to your own husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body.


by Yveatte Moore

This is a God-sized testimony that I pray will help you turn a trial into a triumph in Jesus’ Name. I am a woman over 50, a wife of 35 years, a Christian and dedicated disciple. I have two adult children, a daughter with a family of her own and a son who is single.

Many years ago, my husband and I decided to put Christ first in our lives. We dedicated ourselves to faithfully attend church with our two young children at the time. The church we attended was strong in teaching the Word of God, and I began to learn things that were completely foreign to me. I found out what the Bible said about how to be a godly woman.

At the time, I was in full throttle of being a wife and mother who worked full-time outside the home, managing a household and an active young family. I needed all the help I could get, and it became clear to me that my greatest resource was in Christ. I became passionate about learning how to be the woman God wanted me to be, leaving no gift unopened.

A God-Designed Woman

The world has so many expectations of what a modern-day woman should be, but I wanted to know what God desired and designed for me as a woman, wife and mother. In addition to my personal study of the Bible, I began reading books on this very subject. (Elizabeth George’s books were a great help. Ruth Graham was also an inspiration.)

One of the primary things God began to show me was that He desired to reveal Himself to me through my husband, as Protector, Friend and Provider. There is much to be learned about our personal relationship with God. The Bible tells us that God is our Husband and our Maker (Isaiah 54:5). It was a process, but I began to see glimpses of God in my husband—certain things he said, how hard he worked, kind gestures, etc.

At the same time, God was leading me to face certain truths that were buried deep in my heart from the past—old grudges from difficulties in our marriage–negative attitudes and judgments toward my husband that needed to be cleaned out, not to mention plain old jealousy of attributes in his popular personality that deep down I had always envied.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and as I sought Him each day, He gently revealed these truths and helped me see why they were there. With His help, I was able to release my husband and allow Jesus to fill those places in my heart that had been hardened by unforgiveness and judgments.

You see, we can only go so far in our walk with Christ while unforgiveness lingers in our hearts. When we take that journey of truth and healing with Him, our hearts can be made whole and our entire lives can change for the better…permanently. Hallelujah!

Two important verses taught me how to be a godly wife.

Ephesians 5:22-23
Wives, submit to your own husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body.

Before, just hearing the word, “submit,” would bridle me into an angry attitude. After all, with the long list of things I did every day as a wife, mother and employee, I felt I was the one who deserved most of the credit. We can get so caught up in the activities of daily living that our focus gets stuck on what we do, instead of what Jesus did.

As I said, it was a daily process of following Christ that changed me and healed my heart little-by-little and therefore, molded my attitude to be more like His.

Let’s remember Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, the surrendered attitude it took for Him to submit to the will of His Father. He was so troubled that he sweat drops of blood. He knew that to submit would mean death, but He did it for you and for me. He gave us the ultimate example of surrender and died a horrific death so that we could live an abundant life.

Do we trust Him enough to follow Him on a path of righteousness? (Psalm 23:3) Now when I hear the word, “submit,” to me it means security, protection and well-being. I went a long time without the blessing of those things because I let my pride rule my thoughts and emotions, instead of Christ. No more. He has taught me the truth of His Word. Submitting to my husband means submitting to Him. Even so, there are still times when I fail.

In recent years, I began to have health issues involving my stomach that resembled…click to continue.


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