Ezekiel 37:5 continued

Thus says the Lord God to these bones:  “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live.


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… a physical revival of the flesh first, and then He breathed His breath into their souls, so they experienced real life. Isn’t that what we as indiviuals and nations need today? Not only revival in our flesh, but revival in our souls?

That breath the Lord speaks of in Ezekiel 37:5 is the Holy Spirit. He can breathe life into our mortal bodies and repair that which is sick or decayed with age.

The flip side of that is also true. He can also breathe life into our souls and cause them to revive and really live, no matter what condition our bodies are in. The revival of both depend upon the Holy Spirit. He is our very breath–for us as individuals, and also as nations.

Jesus said in John 11:25 that He is the resurrection and the life. The Greek meanings of “resurrection” are: standing up again, moral recovery, raised to life again.

A moral recovery is desperately needed today. The soul of our nation has been dry and dead. But with God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, we can recover. The question is: what can I do?

Tend to Our Souls

We can cry out to God for help–pray. And we can take care of the health of our own souls, which contributes to the healing of our nation.

Speaking from my own personal experience, the #1 source of sickness in my own soul came from unforgiveness that was disguised in many different forms, such as:

·         Resentment

·         Judgments toward others

·         Suspicions

Most likely, we have all experienced these because they grow out of a source of pain we suffered from our past. These are sicknesses in our souls that form a barrier to the Holy Spirit moving freely through us.

Where there is blockage, there is a problem, much like blockage in an artery that prevents the flow of blood. Both can cause pain in the heart—emotionally and physically.

Identifying the Blockage

When the source of blockage is identified and removed (with God’s help), we can experience an influx of the Holy Spirit. We can be revived, not only in our souls but in our minds and bodies.

Ezekiel 37:5 “Thus says the Lord God to these bones: ‘Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live.’”

Look at the Hebrew meanings of “live”: to revive – make alive, nourish up, preserve alive, quicken, recover, repair, restore to life, save, be whole.

Hallelujah! Jesus lives. So can we!

The Lord said He would cause breath to enter into us, but we must participate in the process and be receptive to what He reveals needs to be moved out of His way.  As we take responsibility for our own “moral recovery” we contribute to the healing of our nation.

Study the Bible verse of Ezekiel 37:5 and know revival in your heart, body, soul and nation. Amen!



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