Esther 5-13 Continued

Yet all of this does not satisfy me every time I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king’s gate.



…our focus upon God, so we can become more like Christ. It is Christ’s likeness in us that attracts the prosperity of the Kingdom.

We have to practice thankfulness every day until it becomes a way of life, a permanent attitude. If we’re not thankful for the blessings we already have, then why would God give us more?

Many times, we don’t realize the vast amount of blessings we already have. When we become thankful for the small things in our life, then we begin to see more and more things to be grateful for.

It becomes like a treasure hunt—the more we find the more we see. And how it blesses God’s heart to see a grateful spirit pop through among all the grumbling and complaining, like the beautiful color of a flower rising up through a sea of weeds.

We can start with the people in our life. If you are married, look for the things in your spouse that you are grateful for. The positive things will emerge when you look for them. How a grateful, positive attitude can transform a marriage!

Practice Contentment

Hebrews 13:5 says, “Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have…” This Bible verse warns us of being addicted to money, but we can also become attracted to the wrong people, (someone who is not our spouse), a position or social status we don’t currently have or something else.

“Content” in Greek means: be enough. If we don’t feel content with something in our life, we must begin looking for something about it (or him/her) that we are thankful for.

The practice of thanksgiving liberates us from pride, greed and unhappiness and opens our eyes to the blessings and bounty we already have in our lives.

Study the Bible verse of Esther 5:13, and practice focusing on God and being thankful for the blessings you already have, so you can be free to richly enjoy all the things of the Kingdom.


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