Daily Prayer – Psalm 4:7

You have put gladness in my heart, More than in the season that their grain and wine increased.


Daily Prayer

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Father, thank You for showing us the truth and for shining the light of Your countenance upon us. Help us to stand firm in the light of Your countenance even when we feel, see and hear things that are contrary to it. The devil is the father of lies, and his fiery arrows attack our emotions and leave false evidence in the things we see and hear. Help us to stand firm in the truth of joy and gladness, no matter how convincing the lies are. In Jesus Christ, there is light, peace and joy. You have put gladness in our hearts, Lord.

Help us to reach past the darkness of sorrow and loneliness for the light of the truth. When we resist the devil, he must flee from us. Your Word says that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). We choose light, Lord. We choose the truth. We choose Jesus Christ. We choose gladness. We choose love. We choose joy.

We have continual access to all these things because Christ lives in us, and because Christ lives in us, we can be glad, we can be well, and we can be whole. Jesus has overcome the world. He abides in us and we abide in Him. We partake of Him when we read the Bible. The light overtakes the darkness in us as we hide Your Word in our hearts (John 1:5).

We live in victory as we stand firm in the light of Your Word. We praise You, Lord, for victory. Thank You for the cross, for the opportunity to believe You, to abide in You and to stay with You. Help us to remember that You have done it, Lord, so we can rest in Your glorious presence. In Jesus’ Name. Amen and amen.

You have put gladness in my heart, More than in the season that their grain and wine increased.  Psalm 4:7 NKJV

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