Daily Prayer – Malachi 2:15a

Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union?


Daily Prayer

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Thank You, Lord, that You are our Divine Husband, our Creator and Friend. You never leave us or forsake us. Though we don’t always feel Your Presence with us, we know You are there. Unlike the fickle ways of man, You are always faithful and true, a devoted Husband to His bride and a loving Father to His children. What a wonderful and mysterious combination of gifts we have in You!

Thank You for showing us what true commitment is, what real faithfulness is, and what real Love is. Where man has messed up in so many ways, You bring peace and the perfect harmony of Your Presence. Where there is Jesus Christ, there is Love. Where there is Christ, there is provision and healing. Where there is Christ, there is hope of reunion—between man and wife, and between Christ and His bride.

We call on You to rise up in our marriages and in our families to reveal the brightness of Your coming, and to magnify and restore the glory of the Name of Jesus Christ. Every knee will bow and every tongue confess, Jesus is Lord. Amen!

Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union?  Malachi 2:15a ESV

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