Psalm 36:8 (ESV)

They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights. 


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 36:8 is a Bible verse that describes life in the Kingdom of God.

First of all, let’s see who King David is talking about. The preceding verse of Psalm 36:7 says, “How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.”

The children of mankind is anyone who calls upon God. They take refuge under the shadow of His wings, and so we all have the opportunity to live in the Kingdom of God.

In these dark and uncertain times, we need a safe place to run to. We need the protection of the wings of God. No matter what our individual circumstances are, He is our safe haven, a shelter from the storm.

The safe covering He provides is abundance itself, a place where we can be safe and secure from the storms of life. God’s house is furnished and equipped with everything we could ever want or need, and He invites us to come and feast on His abundance.

There is no lack in His house or on His table.

A Feast of the Best

Have you ever been hesitant to take the last biscuit or piece of chicken at the dinner table? At God’s table, there are blessings overflowing. Not only is there abundance of everything He offers, but it is the choicest fruit, leanest meat and freshest produce.

It’s the best we’ve ever tasted, and we can have our fill! We can feast on the abundance of God’s house, as Psalm 36:8 says.

We have all probably daydreamed about what we would do if we won the lottery or if we had an unlimited financial budget. But God’s house goes above and beyond what we could ever purchase with money.

The abundance of His house consists of so much more than material possessions. In His house are priceless gifts of wealth and riches like:

·         Health

·         Harmonious relationships

·         Peace

·         Love

·         Joy

·         Prosperity

·         Rest

·         Righteousness

·         Perfect Provision and Perfect Balance of all the above, both material and immaterial.

When we seek Him first and not something or someone else, these gifts can make their way to the surface of our lives, but before we receive the gifts, we must first come to His house and sit at His table. (Matthew 6:33)

Unlocking the Truth – Drink In and Pour Out

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