Matthew 6:33 (ESV)

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.


Bible Commentary

Matthew 6:33 is a popular Bible verse in the New Testament where Jesus is teaching us how to keep ourselves from worry. Let’s go way back to Genesis to get a better understanding.

Do you remember the story of Adam and Eve in the garden when the serpent came and tempted Eve? Eve said herself that God had given them all the things in the garden to enjoy, except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The garden was serene, abundant and beautiful, so she barely noticed the one thing she was forbidden to eat, until Satan drew her attention to it and planted a lie in her mind.

First, she listened to Satan and became distracted from all that she already had and enjoyed. She got her focus off God.

Secondly, with her back turned to God and all He had given her, she focused on what she was not allowed to have and therefore, began to crave it.

Thirdly, when she chose to believe Satan instead of God, she pursued the lie, took action and ate the fruit.

Her punishment came not only because she ate the fruit, but also because she turned her back to God and all He had given her, which caused her to believe the lie instead of the truth.

The truth comes from God alone.

We can all relate to Eve. We become blinded to all that we already have as we focus on all the things we don’t have. It is then when we can be easily deceived.

Unlocking the Truth – Worry and Fear

We are very susceptible to fall for the lie: Just one more thing (or person) is what I need to be satisfied. That’s when worry and fear set in, as we pursue that “one more thing”.

You may find yourself thinking you’ll be happy as soon as you get that dream job, or you finish your to-do list, or you have “enough” money in the bank, or you find your soul mate, or you get the home you so desperately want.

As great as all of those things are, none of them will bring lasting satisfaction and peace. Remember the first part of the verse in Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…” Our overall focus should be on the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Our minds and hearts should be first and foremost on God and His Kingdom. The best way to keep our minds and hearts there is to continually feed our minds with God’s Word, the Bible, and pray. When we nourish our souls with the truth, we are in a much better position to discern truth from a lie.

Centered in Jesus

Though we should celebrate the rewards of working hard and attaining our goals, the thrill of those things is only temporary. Worry follows success, if “success” is not centered in Jesus.

Lasting peace and satisfaction are found only in the truth—Jesus Himself. John 8:32 says, “and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

It took me a long time to finally decide to make a commitment to put God first, to focus on Him by spending 10-15 minutes reading the Bible and having a quiet time of prayer every day.

I was once worried and fearful about many things–wondering if my marriage was going to fail, raising my young children in an unhappy home–but as I sought Him first, He revealed the truth to me, which gradually healed me and freed me from the worry and fear that used to follow me everywhere I went.

It was a gradual process, but well worth the commitment and effort. My marriage was healed, and because of that my children were raised in a happy environment.

Luke 12:32 says, “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

There is nothing that God desires to withhold from us. He wants to give us everything His Kingdom has to offer. After all, Jesus died to give it to us. But He waits for us to seek Him first.

Study the Bible verse of Matthew 6:33, and seek the heart and mind of Jesus continually, being freed from fear and worry, and enjoying all His Kingdom has to offer.


Verse of the Day


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