Psalm 145:9 (NASB)

The Lord is good to all, And His mercies are over all His works.


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 145:9 is a Bible verse from a song of praise where King David is proclaiming God’s goodness to mankind. We’re going to focus on the word “works” in this Bible study. “Works” in Hebrew means: an action (good or bad), transaction, activity, product, property, business, labour, occupation, possession.

This is quite extensive for just one word, but all these definitions help us realize that God was the One Who created every kind of work, whether it’s sales transactions, product development, owning your own business, any kind of labor or occupation. God created it all.

Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”

Many people don’t include God in their planning of a profession or their training and preparation for a career, yet God is the One Who prepared our work for us. Whether we realize it or not, God’s mercies are over our work, all of our daily activities—whatever they are. He made the way for us to work.

If you are happy with your work or job, then Psalm 145:9 sounds great. If you are unhappy with your job or training, then let’s study a little deeper.

Unlocking the Truth – Work

In Romans 11, Paul is talking about many of the Jews who had fallen away from God, serving idols. Romans 11:8 says that because of their rejection of God’s grace, “God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes to see not and ears to hear not, down to this very day.”

The word “stupor” is defined as: a state in which the mind and senses are dulled; extreme intellectual or moral dullness. (The Hebrew meaning in this verse is: slumber, lethargy.)

Before Jesus Christ came, the Jews based their righteousness on their works—keeping the religious laws, which meant not only God’s commandments, but in their arrogance, all the many rules they added to it. Keeping all the rules was literally work.

Yet God gave them Jesus, Who fulfilled every law and command perfectly, as a substitute, so they wouldn’t have to follow the religious ordinances and traditions of men. They could be free from all that.

But they refused. They would not accept Christ.

Freedom in Your Work

Instead, they stubbornly insisted on clinging to their own works, so God gave them a spirit of stupor. It can be very tedious to work at a job if your senses are dulled to it, or you have no interest, enthusiasm or excitement about it.

There is little reward in it, other than a paycheck, and going to work every day seems like carrying a heavy weight around.

Psalm 145:9 says God’s mercies are over all His works, which means yours, too. If you have accepted the grace of God in Jesus Christ, His Son, you don’t have to live under any curse or punishment.

Jesus became the curse for us, took the punishment for all our sins, the ones we’re aware of and the ones we aren’t. We can have the blessings of excitement, passion and energy in our work—God’s mercies, His compassion. Jesus is the way (John 14:6).

We must recognize the work of darkness for what it is–a curse and a lie–and cling to the hope and light of Jesus Christ. God’s mercies are over all work. Praise Jesus! Study Psalm 145:9 to believe the truth, and receive the promises of God’s mercies in your work.

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