The Wealth of Food and Health Pg2


The Wealth of Food and Health (excerpt from Faith-Based Solutions Believing Your Way to Wealth)


…sure enough at the end of 10 days Daniel and his friends were more robust and stronger than all the youths who had been eating the king’s choice food!

God rewards our faith in Him—believing what He says and standing firm in it. Hebrews 11:6 says that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

If we are trusting Him to take care of our health by believing His promise, then we can expect to be rewarded.  But if we are anxiously trying to stay in complete and total control of what we eat, how much we eat, how much and often we exercise, then we are actually depending on ourselves instead of God to take care of our health.

What a chore!

We don’t have to obsess over trying to follow rules from the latest diet plan or exercise routine. We can be free from that! Now, I’m not saying that we can expect God to keep us healthy if we overeat every day and indulge in candy and junk food all the time—no.

Good Steward of our Body

What I am saying is that we should do our best to be a good steward of the body God has given us, and trust Him to lead us about how to take care of ourselves.

After all, our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), and we should take that very seriously. But let’s throw away the anxiety and peer pressure of trying to keep all the healthy food rules and exercise mandates!

Let’s give thanks for our food and then enjoy it!

Wouldn’t our meals taste better if there was no guilt associated with it? And wouldn’t we enjoy exercising more if there was no anxiety attached to it?

When we try to keep complete control over all the details, there is a striving—a struggle—to attain a certain result, but there are no guarantees that the perfect diet and exercise program (even if we can maintain it) will give us the results we want.

God knows what’s important to us, and He will answer our concerns if we ask Him and then trust Him to do so. His way is so much simpler.

You see, it’s not what we do (or what we eat or don’t eat) that transforms our lives and bodies for the better, but what we believe and who we trust.

Jesus said many times in the New Testament, “Your faith has made you well.”  He is talking to us all.

A New Revelation

In recent years, my husband’s blood sugar count had risen beyond the point that is considered healthy. He was ordered by the doctor to make a radical change in his diet and continue his existing exercise program. So, he altered his diet and cut out sugar-filled breakfasts and evening sweets. He lost a considerable amount of weight, but his blood sugar was still too high.

While the doctor was pleased about his weight loss, she suggested an even more radical diet change and told him to get a glucose meter because at that point he was technically considered a diabetic. However, she would wait to put him on diabetes medicine until the results of the next blood work-up.

We were both very concerned over all the implications of being a diabetic. A few months later on the day when he was to go and have his blood work done again, that very morning during my prayer time God in His great mercy opened my eyes to the fact that Jesus—as a human being—had the perfect blood.

Now let me explain why that was such a revelation to me. There is no record in the Bible of Jesus ever being sick. He was tired or weary at points, but not sick. After all, God accepted Him as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He had the perfect blood, perfect body and perfect health.

He was both man and God.

Because Jesus has taken up residence in our lives, we have access to Him not only spiritually, but…Click to continue




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