The Wealth of Money Pg 4


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The Wealth of Money (excerpt from Faith-Based Solutions: Believing Your Way to Wealth)


the answers still weren’t coming. It was at that point that my husband prayed a special prayer that I believe changed everything.

He told God that he knew that our house was His and we had enjoyed the gift of living in it for more than 20 years, but if He wanted it back and had other plans for us, then he was willing to let go of it. My husband released our house to God.

Not long after that, we received a call from a family member who specifically asked if we needed help with our mortgage. At the time, none of our family knew how close we were to losing our home.  


Our family and church family stepped up to help numerous times, and we are very thankful for them. God always answered our pleas, not in the way we wanted or in the timeframe we wanted, but we got the help we needed.

You see, God didn’t necessarily want our house. He wanted our hearts. He wanted our trust. He wants us, all of us.

Instead of depending upon a paycheck, a bank account or another person, He wants us to look to Him. In the roughest time of our financial hardship, we thought He was taking things away from us, but in fact, He was giving us a far more valuable gift than a steady income.

He was giving us a greater faith and trust in Him and the incredible peace that comes with that. When you’ve done all you know to do and you still don’t see the answers, look to Him and give it all to Him.


God gave us His only Son. How will He not also with Him freely give us all things? (Romans 8:32)

Believe it. Believe Him.

Refuge or Riches

We used to think that winning the lottery would solve all our problems. We dreamed of what we would do with $1 million, $10 million, even $100 million. That seemed like freedom.

Through our financial drought, one of the things God revealed to me is that I had taken security—refuge—in our financial prosperity, in money. When that “security blanket” was removed, it was painful. I felt exposed (financially exposed) because I had trusted in something that was not rock solid.


Like Proverbs 23:5 says, our riches grew wings and flew away. I was forced to look up to Him and His promises.

The Bible says many times over that we are to seek refuge only in Him, to have no other gods. I am so grateful that He revealed that truth to me because it set me free. He removed the false security blanket and offered me something far more valuable—peace, rest and more of Himself.

Now, He is my financial covering, my security blanket and my solid Rock. Hallelujah!

Just as my confidence was in the wrong thing, think for a moment about yourself. Where is your confidence? Is it in your talent, your job or status, your financial success, your good looks or your figure, or even another person?

What if that thing or person was removed from your life? It is critically important that you find the truth to that question. Your very life could depend on it.


If you are rooted in something other than Christ, you most likely have a continual anxiety that follows you around, even if you enjoy financial prosperity.

When money fails, and it will, God saves.

Where people fail, and they most certainly will, God saves.

There is a far greater reward for having our confidence in Christ.

Again, it is only the truth that sets us free. And then faith (believing the truth) will help us accept the gift that is ours for the taking—the real thing. Jesus Christ became my peace, rest and satisfaction.

Our safety and financial security isn’t in a dollar amount. I’ll say it again. Freedom isn’t in a number. It’s in Christ.

He is our covering—financially and spiritually. Nothing can compare to the riches of His glory. That’s where real wealth is!

For more answers on how to take hold of the abundant life God promised you, order Faith-Based Solutions: Believing Your Way to Wealth by Yveatte Moore.



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