Romans 8:28 (KJV)

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. 


Bible Commentary

Romans 8:28 is a popular Bible verse that assures us all things are for the good of those who love God. We’ve probably all heard some version of this Bible verse, but unless we’ve actually seen something good come from a bad circumstance, it’s difficult to believe.

We may have heard this verse spoken by someone trying to comfort us in a time of loss or tragedy, but it fell flat. The truth of it didn’t pierce the anger and sorrow that filled our hearts, and even more than that it bounced right off.

We didn’t believe the statement because we couldn’t see any possible good that could come from such a tragedy. We dismissed the statement because it came from someone who couldn’t possibly know how we feel. And in fact, it made us even angrier.

However, after a period of time, maybe we saw a glimmer of something good that happened as a result of our loss. It couldn’t have happened otherwise, and we wondered. Could God be in this after all?

For many Christians who have personally gone through pain and loss of some kind and then experienced the truth of Romans 8:28, it is a verse we cling to. For us, it is hope.

We all want to know that our pain is not in vain, that there was and is a purpose for it, and not only a purpose, but a noble purpose. That hope is what pulls us through the pain.

Hope is our comforter in the aftermath of walking through a dark valley. It transforms the gray haze into a bright horizon. It stabilizes our shaky ground and gives us a sure footing.

Unlocking the Truth – A Noble Purpose

It is interesting that Romans 8:28 speaks of purpose and calling because many times, that is where we find the purpose of our calling—after something happened that really caused us to look up.

Many organizations, churches, missions, etc. have been born from what was considered a tragedy. Going through something painful gave someone a passion and purpose to help others in some way.

Because of that hardship, their life took a completely different direction, one that led to serving others. And that, my friends, is a noble purpose.

Another note of interest from Romans 8:28 is the phrase, “work together,” which in the Greek means: be a fellow worker, cooperate and help.

Sometimes, the difficulties in our lives push us toward this very thing—to work together. It might be ugly at first, with tensions, jealousies and strife, but through the pressure of that difficulty, what comes from it is ultimately for our good (and for others).

Getting Along

Like the Good Father He is, God wants us to get along. Sometimes, we must learn how to get along with those who have different gifts, desires, personalities and interests. This might seem impossible, but as Jesus said in Matthew 10:27, “…With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.”

We learn that some things just cannot be accomplished without God. We need His help. Sometimes, He puts us in a position we cannot bear without His intervention—a job in a hostile environment, an anointing that others despise, or a financial loss.

Whatever it is, the further we get down that bumpy road, keeping Him in our sights, we begin to see some “good” emerge. Maybe it’s when we looked at the truth in our own heart and saw bitterness toward people and began (with God’s help) to forgive.

Maybe it’s gaining courage and strength in a volatile work environment, or recognizing the peace of God in our hearts in the midst of it. Maybe it’s simply seeing God show up in our lives, and growing closer to Him.

It’s not only “all things” in our lives that work together for good, but it’s all things in everyone’s life that work together for good. He desires us to work together. Peaceful harmony is possible, with God.

Let’s seek our purpose in the pain, and begin looking for the good God promised. When we begin in our own lives and in our own relationships working together, we see the ripple effect of good working its way outward.

Where there is good, there is a noble purpose. We cannot help but love God as it unfolds before our very eyes. Study the Bible verse of Romans 8:28, and know that everything is for your good and for the good of others.

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