Romans 4:17 (NASB)

(as it is written, “A father of many nations have I made you”) in the presence of Him whom he believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist. 


Bible Commentary

Romans 4:17 is a Bible verse from the New Testament that speaks of Abraham and his faith, but gives the ultimate glory to God, where it belongs.

The Apostle Paul speaks in Romans chapter 4 of the importance of living by faith instead of works–the law. He gives a specific example of how Abraham responded when God told him that He was going to make him a father of many nations.

Abraham’s response was crucial, because his reality at the time was that he was more than 100 years old, and his wife was barren. And God was telling him he would be a father of many nations? The union of his marriage hadn’t produced even one child! But look at Romans 4:17. Abraham believed God.

Wow, that took a healthy faith!

Throughout the Bible, God commends and rewards those who believe Him (those who walk by faith). Hebrews 11 is full of examples of people who believed God. They were honored because of their faith and their names are recorded in the Bible.

We all want to be honored—to be known as a winner. It is our human nature. And we should strive to be the best we can be, to become everything God put us on the earth to become—but ultimately it must be for the glory of God, not for our own glory or the glory of man.

We mustn’t forget where the real honor belongs, and that is to God the Father. Let’s look at Romans 4:17 again.

(as it is written, “A father of many nations have I made you”) in the presence of Him whom he believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.

All of us fall far short sometimes of remembering where the glory belongs. We seek, strive and toil for success. We stretch and grow, research and study to be one of the best—either among fellow students or among our professional peers.

We tend to adhere ourselves to those who are honored in some way, because we also want to be associated with winners, whether it’s on the sports team, a profession or in politics.

Unlocking the Truth – God is the One

We easily lose sight of the end game, which is not just to become the best, or to be on the winning team, but to honor the Name of Jesus Christ Who lives within us, for the good of His children.

It is God that deserves the glory, and He gets glory from His children who love and serve one another, by lifting one another up. He is the One Who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist (Romans 4:17).

He gets glory through acts of humble submission, good deeds and displays of genuine concern for others. He receives glory from His children who lead in righteousness and not reckless abandon.

He receives glory when we remember Who He is. He is the great I Am. He is our Redeemer, our Heavenly Father and Comforter. He is our Friend and Closest Companion.

He is ours. And we are His.

When Jesus broke the bread at the last supper, He said, “This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19)

We are to remember what He did, not call to attention our own deeds, or the deeds of others. We are to point others to Jesus Christ, in all that we do and in all that we are.

We all fall short of this. But let’s re-focus now on the One Who died for us, the One Who can pull us out of our flesh and into His Spirit, the One Who can transform our dead works into inspirational feats, the One Who breathes life into our dry souls, the One Who raises up all who are bowed down.

God alone is the One Who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist (Romans 4:17).

He is the One we glorify…and no other.

Study the Bible verse of Romans 4:17 and re-focus your sights upon Jehovah God, and let Him be your everything.

Daily Prayer


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