2 Corinthians 5:7 (NASB)

for we walk by faith, not by sight


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Bible Commentary

2 Corinthians 5:7 is a popular Bible verse in the New Testament where Paul is teaching about the importance of walking by faith, using his life as an example.

As I am writing this Bible Commentary, it is Christmas season, a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the most joyous time of the year. However, it is difficult to be joyous if you are worried about paying for all the Christmas gifts you would like to give.

I realize there are many different areas in life where we could grow in faith, but money is an integral part of our lives, so that’s our focus for this study.

Have you ever felt God leading you to help someone in need, but you knew it would be a tight squeeze for you financially?

Like me, you may have resisted that call when you compared the price against your bank account balance.

And the struggle was on:

Sight vs. Faith

Have you ever been the one in need and someone helped you out? What an opportunity for God to express His love and care for us! And an opportunity for us to see it.

When God asked you to help another person (or family), He wants to reveal His love for the person in need yes, but also to you—the giver.

He realizes it is going to take faith for you to overcome your fear. Consider it a test of your faith, but better yet, it is click to continue



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