Psalm 62:7 (NKJV)

In God is my salvation and my glory; The rock of my strength, And my refuge, is in God.


Bible Commentary

Psalm 62:7 is a Bible verse that declares God alone as King David’s salvation and glory.

I am a mother of two adult children. Raising children was a joy and honor for me, and they were always the apple of my eye. My energy, heart and soul were wrapped up in them from the time they were conceived. I treasured my role as a mother.

Then I remember one day as I sat at my computer at work a dreadful thought hit me. My daughter was away at college and my son was a senior in high school. The thought was this: My children are grown. What am I going to do with my life now? What purpose does my life serve? It’s over.

My job was only a job and a paycheck, and not a joy. I knew my husband loved me and I loved him, but what kind of future was in front of me when the most important work I could ever do was behind me?

It was a dark thought, which I accepted and believed. Then the emotion quickly followed—sorrow. In my heart I immediately turned to God with these same questions. I felt like I had come to the end of the road, and there was nothing for me anymore.

But God…

After struggling with this for a while, God brought to my remembrance a song I had heard on my way to work that morning. I felt His love light shine right through these lyrics.

All my life I have been called unworthy Named by the voice of my shame and regret

But when I hear You whisper, “Child lift up your head” I remember oh God, You’re not done with me yet

I am redeemed, You set me free So I’ll shake off theses heavy chains Wipe away every stain now I’m not who I used to be

I am redeemed

The song is “Redeemed” by Big Daddy Weave. They weren’t just words. I knew it was God singing them to me. I could hear His message of love and hope loud and clear as He poured them directly into my heart, and it healed the place where the sorrow had been.

I had to realize that my honor and value as a person wasn’t in my role as a mother, and it wasn’t in my job or my role as a wife or in any other work. My honor is in God alone. He is my salvation, and He is my hope.

David said it in Psalm 62:7. “In God is my salvation and my glory;”

I had fallen for Satan’s lie when I got in agreement with him. It was a trap. But God is my rock and my strength, and my refuge.

Unlocking the Truth – Purpose and Truth

Once we fall into the trap of self-pity, it is a slippery slope and hard to climb back out. Through God I have discovered a sure-fire way to stay out of that dark place…thankfulness.

It is so easy to see the negative in any given circumstance. Our human nature is naturally drawn downward. It takes effort to swim against the current, to stay positive in a negative environment.

Chances are, our environment isn’t nearly as negative as we think it is. When we start looking for things to be thankful for, from the tiniest thing to the most obvious thing, it is like a rope being thrown down to us in the pit. It’s our way out…hope.

My daughter had a friend at college who kept a personal journal which she called, “1,000 Gifts.” She made an effort every day to add to the list of things she was thankful for—God’s gifts to her. She told my daughter she was surprised at how quickly she was able to add to her list each day.

Seek and Find

Once we start looking for God’s gifts, which get drowned out by the noise in our lives, we begin to see them better. We begin to see God better, to hear Him more clearly. David said in Psalm 62:7 that God is “the rock of my strength, And my refuge, is in God.” He has been there the whole time, but we get distracted by the noise of the world, the enemy and our own selfish desires.

God can rise to the surface of our thoughts, feelings and desires when we make a practice of watching for the treasures He has placed in our daily path. What an amazing adventure! After my pity party, with God’s help I began doing just that—searching for all the blessings I already had. There were so many more than I ever realized.

We don’t have to wait for God to act. He already has! Our joy and purpose is hidden in thankfulness. Joy and honor will rise to the surface as we seek God first. He is our glory, our strength and refuge.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 62:7. He’s not done with you yet.


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