Psalm 34:4 (NKJV)

I sought the Lord, and He heard me,  And delivered me from all my fears.


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 34:4 is a favorite Bible verse from the Old Testament where King David acknowledged his fears and praised God for his deliverance.

Did you know that we don’t have to live with fear? We don’t have to accept worry, stress, insecurity, indecision or any other form of fear. Thoughts of fear come from the devil, our enemy.

Instead of recognizing the fear thought for what it is—a lie—our flesh takes over, believes it and succumbs to the thought. Because our brain—command central—accepted the implanted thought, our emotions rise to attention and then we feel afraid.

Once we believe something is true and we feel the emotion to back it up, it becomes more difficult to shake it off. If we can recognize the fiery darts of the devil when they are thrown at us, we can defend ourselves with the shield of faith—knowledge of the truth.

Then the lies bounce right off our armor like a boomerang and head back to the devil’s dominion. Hallelujah!

But how do we recognize these fiery darts before they’re implanted into our brains?

I sought the Lord.

In Psalm 34:4, David said He sought the Lord. “Sought” in Hebrew means: to tread or frequent, to follow, to seek or ask, specifically to worship.

Seek the Lord, not just casually or only on church days, or whenever you feel like it. But follow, or frequent time alone with Him and with His word. He gives us all the tools we need to be victorious over the enemy, over our flesh and over the curse.

The answers are all wrapped up in Him and in His holy Word.

We must frequently seek him, and worship Him. This is His command in Deuteronomy 6:5 and in Exodus 20:3. He loves us with all of His heart, and it’s not too much for Him to ask us to love Him back.

When we align ourselves with the truth in Jesus Christ, we’re making an intentional refusal to accept the lies of the devil. In other words, we’re on Christ’s team and not the devil’s.

Christ gives us the ability to recognize the lies and to reject them. Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to recognize them and shut them down with the truth of His Word.

Unlocking the Truth – He Heard Me

We can pray all day long, but if we don’t really believe God hears us, then we probably won’t be expecting an answer. Jesus told us to pray, believing as though we had already received (Mark 11:24), one of my favorite Bible verses.

David said in Psalm 34:4, “I sought the Lord and He heard me…” One of the Hebrew meanings of “heard” is: pay attention.

God pays attention to us. He does not have the attention span of a human. He is omnipresent and omnipotent.

Lastly, David says in Psalm 34:4 that God delivered him from all his fears. Not just some of them, not just the big ones, but ALL his fears. Interestingly, some Hebrew meanings of “fear” are: sense of lodging, dwelling, be a stranger. You see, we don’t belong in that dwelling. We are a stranger there. Fear is a trap, set up for us by the devil. Let’s not be a guest in his house. Jesus Christ came to set us free. So let’s follow Him out!

Let’s be like David and seek the Lord. He hears us and will deliver us from all our fears. Let’s praise and thank Him even before we feel free.

Let’s praise and thank Him for peace and freedom when we feel afraid, and believe we have already received what we asked Him for. He honors our faith, and responds to our praise. Study the Bible verse of Psalm 34:4 and be free from fear forever.




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