Psalm 23:2 (NKJV)

He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.


Verse of the Day

Bible Commentary

Psalm 23:2 is a Bible verse from one of the most popular Psalms in all the Bible that describes the places the Lord, our Shepherd, leads us.

As young people growing up, many of us set our sights on getting married one day. It can be a tumultuous ride, first finding the right person and then knowing for certain he or she is the one we’ll be happy with for the rest of our life.

When the happy day finally arrives, we receive one another with joy and make vows before our Heavenly Father and other witnesses. We did it. Finally, we’re together; no more waiting. And then…

What do we do now? We set our sights on making a living and following our secondary dream, establishing a career or some kind of work where we can develop our gifts and talents. Now that both of those dreams are established or underway, many of us set our sights on the next thing…growing a family. The babies come along, and life becomes very full.

But is it rewarding? Are we content like we thought we would be? Not just because our life is full, but I mean really settled and at peace? We have a relationship with God, but there still seems to be something missing. Psalm 23:2 says,

“He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.

Discover Discontentment

We might not even recognize discontent until the Lord “makes us lie down in green pastures.” There might come a time in our life when we are forced to slow down. Maybe it’s a health issue, surgery of some kind that requires a long recovery time, or maybe you lost a job and don’t have a place to go every day.

The Hebrew meanings of “lie down” are: to crouch, to recline, repose, imbed, fall down, lie down, make to rest, sit.

If you are accustomed to a fast-paced lifestyle both at home and at work, slowing down can be very difficult. It can almost seem like punishment, like your value and importance got reduced when your activity was reduced. It can feel like a demotion.

Again, Psalm 23:2 says, “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” Even though He makes us lie down, we should look at where we are – green pastures. Not a dry and rocky desert, but green pastures.

“Pastures” in Hebrew means: a home, a pasture, habitation, house, pleasant place. Maybe it’s a time designed to make us look at what we already have, but never took the time to really fully appreciate it.

When we got married, did we take the time to fully comprehend what a beautiful blessing we were given in our spouse? And then give thanks to God for him or her? We probably didn’t fully appreciate the value of it at the time.

When we were established in our home and workplace, did we take the time to fully appreciate it and give thanks to God for it? I mean really appreciate it. Or were we too busy moving on to the next thing to conquer?

Unlocking the Truth – To Run with a Sparkle

The last part of Psalm 23:2 says, He leads me beside the still waters. “Leads” in Hebrew means: to run with a sparkle, or flow; to conduct, and to protect, sustain – carry, feed, guide, lead (gently, on).

“Still” in Hebrew means: repose or peacefully; consolation (specifically matrimony); an abode – comfortable, ease, quiet, rest, still.

Are we chasing contentment, happiness or satisfaction, having looked right past the very things we thought would bring them–a spouse, a home, a job and family?

God leads us beside the still waters. Maybe God is leading us right back to where we came from, trying to show us that we already have what we are chasing–contentment, happiness and satisfaction, but we’ve been too busy chasing something else to recognize it.

Maybe we need to slow down to see all the blessings in our lives, particularly, our spouse. What we’re searching for is most likely right in front of us. But we have to stop searching and stop hunting…and start receiving and giving thanks.

What is it about your spouse you dearly love or admire? What do you like about your home? What if you couldn’t live there anymore? What do you appreciate about your family? What about your work, your co-workers?

Take a moment and fully receive the blessings God has already given you, appreciate them and give Him thanks. And the serenity of green pastures and still waters will be a continual peace and rest in your soul.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 23:2 to slow down and give thanks for what you already have.


Verse of the Day


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