Psalm 85:10 (NKJV)

Mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed.


Bible Commentary

Psalm 85:10 is a Bible verse that describes the fruit of the union between righteousness and peace. The title of Psalm 85 is “Prayer that the Lord will Restore Favor to the Land.” And oh, how we need an answer to that prayer today.

We have talked before about the different facets of God’s love. There are times we experience His mercy and kindness, and there are other times He takes us out to the woodshed for a good old-fashioned spanking. That’s what a loving Father does. He loves His children with mercy and with discipline. The effect of discipline is righteousness.

Isaiah 26:9 says, “For when Your judgments are in the earth, The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.”

We learn to walk uprightly by learning from our mistakes. We are molded into the image of Christ this way. The more we become like Christ, the more fruit we yield in His kingdom here on earth.

Truth…then Mercy

Psalm 85:10 says, “Mercy and truth have met together…” In order to receive His mercy, we must come face-to-face with the truth. Sometimes it takes a jolt of discipline from our Heavenly Father to see and accept the truth.

We’ve heard the expression, “The truth hurts.”

Just like we might spank a young child for running out into the street without looking first, God the Father sometimes “puts a knot on our head” to make it clear we should not do that again. Learning from that mistake can be a matter of life or death.

When we acknowledge the truth and take responsibility for it, and stop hiding it from God or from ourselves, then we can receive His mercy—His forgiveness. Like a healing salve, it comes in and soothes the place where there was pain or emptiness.

This is when mercy and truth meet together. Psalm 85:10

Unlocking the Truth – Affectionate Love of God

Look what happens next in Psalm 85:10, “Righteousness and peace have kissed.”

When we are courageous enough to look at the truth, righteousness is born in us. In other words, Jesus increases in us, and our sin nature decreases. Praise the Lord!

There is no substitute for righteousness. No temporary thrill, pleasure or honor can top the peaceful effect of righteousness in our souls. (Psalm 32:1)

Where righteousness lives in us, we have right desires and thoughts, which produce right actions. Righteousness reigns instead of our fleshly instincts and reactions. Oh, how we need more righteousness!

Where Righteousness and Peace Kiss

Look at the Hebrew meanings of “peace”: safe, well, happy, friendly, health, prosperity, favor, peace, rest.

Don’t we all want all of those things? The peace of God can heal wounds and pain of every kind—emotional, physical, psychological, relational and financial. It restores life where there was death, light where there was darkness, joy where there was sorrow and health where there was sickness.

And look what happens when righteousness and peace come together. They kiss!

Where there is cleanness in our souls, the affectionate love of God is birthed within us and among us. His affection is clean, beautiful and righteous. Nothing else can compare.

His ways and righteous love are so much better than anything the world can offer or ever has offered. God’s love is pure, powerful and penetrating. He pursues us with an intent to gather us to Him with great compassion, just like a groom gathers his bride. (Isaiah 54:7) She belongs to Him.

May we, His bride, present ourselves with great abandon to the One Who loves us in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Study the Bible verse of Psalm 85:10 and know the passionate, faithful love of your Groom.

Daily Devotions & Prayer



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