Psalm 145:14 (NRSV)

The Lord upholds all who are falling, and raises up all who are bowed down.


Bible Commentary

Psalm 145:14 is a Bible verse where King David describes God’s goodness and mercy on the lowly. First of all, let’s identify exactly who David is talking about when he says all who are falling.

There are many Hebrew meanings of the word “fall,” some of which are: be accepted, cast down, die, divide, fail, inferior and perish. Our first impression of those who are falling is probably along these lines, someone who has failed, been cast down, is inferior or who is perishing or even dying.

This reinforces our understanding of God’s love and mercy toward those who need Him. We all fit into this category.

However, going further into the Hebrew translation, we also see these meanings: to intercede, pray, make supplication.

This gives us another view of who David is talking about in Psalm 145:14, when he says, “The Lord upholds all who are falling…” This gets more specific and narrows it down to those who pray.

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we welcome God’s hand of support and the daily favor and Presence of Jesus Christ with us. It is nice to be reminded that He is with us, strengthening us and even carrying us, which is what the word “upholds” means.

This is all perceived in a spiritual way, which is encouragement yes, but look again at the meaning of “fall.” It says perish and die, which means there is a physical implication, as well.

Unlocking the Truth – New Life in Christ

Because of man’s sin back in the Garden of Eden, our physical bodies were cursed along with our souls (Psalm 78:50), when we were separated from God’s glory and covering. Death set in, upon our physical bodies and our souls (mind and emotions).

But through Jesus Christ, we are reconciled back to God the Father. The cross bridged the gap, and we are restored back to the safe covering of His glory, like it was long ago in the Garden of Eden.

Psalm 145:14 says, “The Lord upholds all who are falling, and raises up all who are bowed down.”

“Upholds” translates from the Hebrew like this: to prop, bear up, establish, stand fast and sustain.

These meanings indicate that we bear a weight, or endure a downward pull spiritually upon our souls and physically, upon our bodies. Scientifically, it is called gravity. This weight or downward pull takes quite a toll upon us after a period of time, but let’s again take a look at the promise of God in His Word.

Psalm 145:14 The Lord upholds all who are falling, and raises up all who are bowed down.

Are we walking by faith to claim the promise of being raised up out of the downward pull (gravity), out from under that weight of the world, which Christ died to give us, or are we walking by sight and just accepting sickness and decay because that’s just “the way it is”?

The Fight of Faith

“Raises up” in Hebrew means: lift, comfort. It’s all right there in God’s Word, but we have to see it, believe it and stand fast to claim it. The devil’s not going to just give up his territory without a fight.

The fight is in our faith.

Stand up! Let’s lay claim to what He says is rightfully ours through Jesus Christ, our Saviour! Let’s not let one gift go unopened. Let us be bowed down in humility before the Father. Even though we feel and see the effects of decay upon our flesh in sickness and/or age, let’s believe and stand fast in the truth of His Word…with humility.

Psalm 145:14 The Lord upholds all who are falling,  and raises up all who are bowed down.

The word “sustain” (translation of “upholds”) in Webster’s dictionary means: nourish. God nourishes us with life, with Jesus Christ, Who lives inside of us. Jesus is the resurrection and the life! He said it Himself in John 11:25.

Let us claim resurrection and life with confidence, right now!

Let’s take Him at His Word!

Let’s take Him!

He offers us all of Him.

Father God, may we receive all of Jesus Christ, the bright morning star, with joy, thanksgiving, and new and abundant life—in our bodies, our souls, our relationships and our finances–in the righteous humility of Jesus Christ! We thank you for the gift of New Life, for we know you make all things new (Revelation 21:5), in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 145:14 and recognize the power of new life in Christ.


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