Psalm 125:1 (NASB)

Those who trust in the Lord Are as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever. 


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 125:1 is a Bible verse that gives us a glimpse of the steadfast protection of the Lord. This promise is exceptional—that we would be as steadfast as a mountain, not being moved but firm on the steady rock of Christ. But note the promise is for those who trust in the Lord.

Imagine what life could be like if we had been born using our full potential to trust the Lord. There are so many grand and abundant promises in the Bible for those who trust God and for those who revere Him.

If we set our full focus and objective upon developing these two things, do you think our life would be radically different? I do. Maybe you already made that commitment some time ago when you accepted Christ, and your life is already radically different than it was before you knew Christ.

As Disciples of Jesus Christ, we have learned that trusting Him is a learned art. It is a practice which must be exercised daily. We might not have been born using our full potential to trust God, but we were born with the opportunity to use that potential.

Psalm 125:1 Those who trust in the Lord Are as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever.

What is Trust?

Let’s look at the Hebrew meaning for the word “trust,” which is: be confident or sure; be bold (secure, sure), hope. We should ask ourselves, where do we get our confidence? What makes us feel secure? What makes us feel bold?

The answers to those questions help us evaluate the level of our trust in the Lord. Is it our outward appearance that gives us confidence, or the Lord? Is it a pocket full of cash that makes us bold, or is it the Lord? Is it a steady relationship that makes us feel secure, or is it the Lord?

God waits ever-so patiently for us to loosen our grip on these things so we can hold His hand tightly. He molds and shapes us along our spiritual journey of Discipleship. He delights in those who choose to walk in His ways.

Communion of Champions

We don’t have to be operating in perfection to take hold of the promises of God. In Christ, we are already perfect. And yet, He leads us on a path where the perfection of Christ within us gradually makes its way to the surface of our lives—our behavior and work. This is the part that takes time.

With our participation in this process of growing in trust, we are as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever.

So even though our daily operation is short of perfect, we are perfect for our stage of development because of Christ in us. As we grow to maturity, we are perfect in our development, just as a piece of fruit is perfect as it grows in all its phases of development. We see the rewards of God as we…  click to continue



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