Psalm 115:14 (KJV)

The Lord shall increase you more and more,  you and your children.


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 115:14 is a comforting Bible verse that blesses parents with reassuring promises of God’s provision.

We usually associate the word “increase” with financial provision, but I believe God means it to be so much more. Some Hebrew meanings are: to add or augment (to continue to do a thing), conceive again, exceed, gather together.

It’s interesting that “gather together” is listed as one of the meanings. That is precisely what God says He will do through Jesus Christ in the latter days. Ephesians 1:10 says,

“That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:”

Wow! Now that is real increase–being gathered up in the loving arms of Jesus Christ! All of us.

When we are one with Christ, we also become one with each other. Just as a Mother and Father desire their children to get along well and have a good relationship, so our Heavenly Father desires that for us, His children.

As we gain more and more of Christ, we are better able to love our brothers and sisters, too. In Christ, any relationship can be restored, no matter how wide the gulf. We grow closer together as we grow up in Him.

God Leads. We Follow.

The phrase “conceive again” refers to enlarging our families–both literally and spiritually. Maybe you’ve been praying for a family member to be saved, to be born again into the family of God, or for someone to come back to God after a time of rebellion. God answers prayers.

The word “exceed” can refer to many things—our gifts and talents, opportunities in work or business, and financially. Maybe it’s time for the anointing of God to shine upon you for the work of His kingdom.

Webster’s dictionary defines “increase” like this: to become greater in size, amount, degree, etc. Maybe we need more of something we already have in order to fulfill the work He has called us to do. Maybe it’s time for the enrichment He promised us long ago–that thing we’ve been waiting for but had almost given up on, or even forgotten about.

When we see and feel His increase, power and anointing in our lives, we begin to see how He has used our past to shape our present.

God’s plans for us are so much bigger than what we could imagine. Because of Christ in us, our potential is far beyond what we believe is possible. Praise God that He is in the lead.

Be Patient with God

He is our Heavenly Father and knows what we are capable of in Him. He desires for us to follow Him so that our abilities and gifts can be developed and used for His great Name and for the good of the Kingdom.

All we have to do is be willing, to trust Him every day in whatever He is calling us to do and be today. We get so caught up in looking down the road, trying to see what the big plan is that we lose sight of the great thing He is doing in us today.

Let’s be patient with ourselves and be patient with God. He is doing something wonderful in us, even if we don’t see the whole picture right now. It is far better and far bigger than we imagined.

So we can rejoice, knowing it is His responsibility to lead and our responsibility to follow. We discover increase as we recognize and accept our rightful position as servant and yield to Him as the Leader of our lives.

He increases us more and more as we trust Him more and more. Study the Bible verse of Psalm 115:14 and receive increase into your life.



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