John 3:12 (NKJV)

If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? 


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Bible Commentary

John 3:12 is a Bible verse from the New Testament where Jesus responds to Nicodemus, a teacher in Israel, and challenges his faith and ours.

Nicodemus was a man of the Pharisees, a ruler of the Jews according to John 3:1. He came to see Jesus by night to talk with Him and discuss the amazing signs Jesus was doing.

He believed Jesus came from God because of His amazing works, and he told Him as much. However, Jesus didn’t commend Nicodemus for believing, but said something instead that stretched his faith even further.

Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

This blew Nicodemus’ mind.

Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” John 3:4

According to Your Faith

So many times, we take the words of Jesus literally, but Jesus was talking about the Spirit.

Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:5-8

The Spirit of God is a wonderful and mysterious thing. As humans, we cannot possibly fathom the depth and mysterious ways of the Holy Spirit. What we can do, however, is believe what Jesus said, whether we understand it or not.

Though we are babes in Christ after we come to a saving knowledge of Him, He gently leads us on a journey of faith—from very small to potentially very great.

We are the ones…click to continue reading


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