John 3:12Pg2

If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?


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… who hold the key to how much of Christ we allow to work in and through us. It is according to our faith.

Matthew 9:29 says, “Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.”

Just like students in school, as we learn and pass various tests of faith, we are promoted up the spiritual maturity chain. The more our faith grows, the higher we climb into the Kingdom of God.

Look at John 3:12 again.

If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?

It’s easy to get stuck along the way, particularly when we have extremely difficult and trying experiences. Many turn away from God in bitterness, blaming Him for tragedy.

But hopefully, after a period of time we can look back on those situations and see how God was working in them, which can renew our faith and hope in Him again.

God has our good in mind

We can get back on track when we believe He has our good in mind, even in tragedy, believing He truly loves us. Let’s remember the tragedy of His Own Son, being crucified on a cross, for us.

Father God endured the agony of pain, just like we all have. He sent Jesus Christ to us as a man, to identify with us, in the joy of life and in the bitterness of death. We can celebrate when we know and believe there is a happy ending. Jesus went to prepare a place for us where we can all be together with Him.

Faith in Christ is a catalyst. It can pull us out of a very deep and dark place, where there is hope, where there is light, and where there is victory in Him. Amen!

Study the Bible verse of John 3:12, and let’s march forward together in a growing faith with Jesus Christ.



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