Isaiah 60:20b (KJV)

for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended.


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Bible Commentary

Isaiah 60:20b is a Bible verse in the Old Testament, which paints a beautiful scene of God’s everlasting light shining so brightly that it dispels the darkness and mourning within us.

In the English Standard Version of the Bible, Isaiah 60 is entitled, “The Future Glory of Israel.” The entire 60th chapter is filled with bright and beautiful hope, but let’s focus on this specific promise for now.

God’s promises are each unique and special, and He alone knows how and when each promise will manifest, and this one is no different. God is speaking to the entire nation of Israel, and yet we can receive these promises as individuals, as well, because as believers in Jesus Christ, we are all children of God. And together, we make up the house of God, His family.

In Isaiah 60:20b, God is promising to remove our mourning.

Let’s look at the Hebrew meaning of this word: lamentation, bewail. In Webster’s dictionary, it is defined as: the expression of grief.

Many times, we associate grief or sorrow with darkness, which explains the tradition of using the color black to express our grief, as the definition of “mourning” states.

Painful Past

You may have never experienced a death in your family or circle of friends, or ever been to a funeral, but we all have places of mourning in our souls from something painful from our past, something that affected us deeply in some way.

It might be buried so deep in your memory that you aren’t even aware of it anymore, but most likely there is a darkness in the depth of your soul from a painful experience. This is what God is promising to dispel with the bright light of His shining glory.

Be aware, as the light begins to dawn into the depths of your soul, you may recall those deep, dark experiences from your past.

Don’t be alarmed. It is when the light of God’s glory shines upon it that it must flee. His intention is to replace that grip of darkness with His everlasting light.

Everlasting Light

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